I meet someone like me

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I was sitting in English and was as usual bored out of my mind. I decided to poke around in people's minds and see what the were thinking. I guess I should explain, I have been able to read minds since I was 7 and every once in a while when I am bored,I poke around in other people's minds. See I say 'once in a while' when really it is almost everyday. Anyway I looked through the minds of the kids sitting around me, look at what they are thinking and some of their memories. Most are thinking of the dance coming up, some of the guys are thinking of fortnite, and that's about it. I was going through one of my guy friends, Joel's memories when all of the sudden I decided that It would be fun to scream something with my mind. Not into anyone else's mind just in general.
"HHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!" I see Joel flinch across the room and I sit strait up in surprise.
"Can u hear me," I ask to no one in particular.
"Yes," comes the reply in Joel's voice.
"How long have you been able to do that," I inquire.
"Since I was 7 how about u?" "The first time I did this was when I
was 7 too," I say in surprise.
"Woah that is weird," Joel says in my mind. I look over at him and he is watching me, eyes wide.
"Freaky," I reply.
"Meet me at Jimmy's Dinner after school at 3 o'clock? I wanna talk to you about this," he asks.
"Ok meanwhile I need to get back to work," I agree. I look back down at my paper, mind spinning, trying to comprehend what I just learned.

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