Chapter 18-It's Over

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Charlie POV 

Riley and I weren't charged with killing Vince. It was self-defense since he was running towards us. After speaking with the police, Riley and I walk out of the station, with newscasters surrounding us and asking questions for me and Riley. "Mr. Phoenix, did you kill your wife's stalker?" "Mrs. Phoenix, are you and your child safe?" Riley knew how to handle the press. "I can only say that I am grateful for my husband saving me and being there when I needed him. That's all. Thank you, everybody." All the reporters were still clamoring around us as Officer Franklin escorted us to our car. Riley and I held each other. She was shivering and I gave her my coat and held onto her. I touch her stomach and count my blessings that the doctor saw nothing wrong with Riley when she was examined at the hospital. Riley fell asleep on my chest. As I saw the station fading further and further into the distance, I kissed her head and whispered, "I'll never you let or our child go. I love you both." We headed home, blessed that this ordeal was over. 

6 Months Later

Riley and I were watching 'Coco' in bed. She was on maternity leave and I was taking a break from my mayoral campaign. After the news broke out about Riley and I having a 'showdown' with Vince, I was approached by my team asking if I wanted to run for Mayor. After having a full sitdown with Riley and my team, I decided to pursue it. So far, I was leading in the polls and had even promoted Officer Franklin as the family security guard, which meant more pay for him. As Riley and I were watching the movie, Riley says she feels funny. "Maybe you're hungry. After all, you are eating for three." Riley and I found out we were expecting twins, which was strange. None of us had the twin gene but no matter. They were our  twins and I was going to love them with all of my heart. Riley and I made our way to the kitchen past the nursery we made for them. As Riley and I were just about to sit, we heard a splash. "Oh, God! Charlie!" Riley screamed. Her water had broken. "Don't panic, baby. Be still and practice your breathing like in class, okay? FRANKLIN!!" Franklin ran through the doors with bags in hand. "It's time?" I nod and he runs to get the car. I then carry Riley to the car and say, "Breathe, baby. Just breathe." She sighed heavily and said, "I'm scared. I can't do this!" Riley cried. I squeezed her hand and said, "Riley Ann Phoenix, you are the strongest, most beautiful and smartest woman of them all. You caught my attention out of any girl when I met you. I love you for your strength, love, brains, and everything quirky about you. You can do this. Bring our children to the world, love. You can do this." Riley started to do her Lamaze breathing. Franklin placed some sirens on top of the car and began speeding towards the hospital. I then call Dr. Armstrong. "Doctor, my wife is in labor. I'm on my way to the hospital. Please hurry!" I hang up and hold Riley close to me. We finally arrive. 

30 Minutes Later

"PUSH, RILEY! YOU'RE ALMOST THERE!" The doctor yelled. Riley screamed as she was pushing. She held onto my hand and squeezed. My circulation was cut because of how strong Riley was in that moment. "CHARLIE!! HELP ME, PLEASE!" Riley screamed. I held onto her hand and said, "It's okay. Just push, baby. Push!" Riley pushed and we heard crying. It was a beautiful and healthy baby boy. "We have the first baby. We need you to push again, Riley!" She then breathed and started to push again. Riley let out a loud scream and finally, there was another cry. It was a beautiful and healthy baby girl. "You did it, love. You had a boy and girl. We did it, baby." I whispered. Riley kissed me and said, "I love you, Charlie."  "I love you too, Riley." The nurses took the babies to clean them. 

A Few Minutes Later

The nurses rolled in the twins. Both were wrapped and clean. Both were...asleep. Riley chuckled and said, "What will we name them?" I look at her and say, "The princess will be named Belle and the prince will be named Alexander." She smiles and says, "My king, come to me." I walk to her and sit next to my beautiful queen. "I'm so happy that we have our children. I can't wait o go home with them." She says to me. I smile and say, "Your parents are taking care of Newt and Lily. You'll stay here until the weekend and I convinced the doctor to let me stay with you." Riley was about to say something when both babies started to cry. I carried Belle while Riley carried Alexander. Both children calmed down. Belle smiled at me and sneezed while Alexander fell asleep in his mother's arms. I smile at Riley, knowing our life was complete and we were at peace with our beautiful children. Alexander William Phoenix and Belle Grace Phoenix.

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