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Sophia's P.O.V

There are moments in life that you can never forget, clearly today was one of them. I paced back and forth as I waited for the results. Oh god...what if I am pregnant? Should I tell whoever the dad is or keep it a secret?

I walked over to the sink and picked up the test.


I took a breath and began to think who could it possibly be. I decided to call up Leo and explain to her what has been going on.

To: Leo ❤️

Come over asap!

From: Leo ❤️

On my way!

I patiently waited as I watch re-runs of The Fosters. As I ate some strawberries, then I heard the door open.

" I AM HOME BITCH!!!" I heard Leo shout from the entrance. Making her way over to the living room.

"Well hello to you too whore!" I playfully rolled my eyes and scooted over so she can sit next to me.

"What's up?" She asked as she laid her head on my shoulder.

"What happened at Madison's party?" I said as I played with my hands.

"Well I actually got footage but I never really looked at it. Wanna look at it?" She pulled her phone out and began to open her gallery, she clicked play on the video.

There stood a video of me and Grayson making out in the back. As people were taking shots and dancing on each other.

"Oh Leo...I am so fucking sorry! What was I thinking?!?" I instantly felt even more guilt.

"Well...that escalated quickly. But don't worry about it, I've kinda been cheating on him with Ethan. It's bad! I know but I just couldn't break the news but now I can" she said as she gave me reassuring smile.

"T-there's something I need you to know too..." I looked at her as anxiety took up inside me.

"What happened? You know you can tell me anything!"

I got up from my living room and walked over to the bathroom. I picked up the pregnancy test and walked back over to Leo.

"I-I'm p-pregnant....and I think it's G-Grayson's" I handed her the test and instantly began crying.

"Oh my! Oh shit! Oh fuck! Dude!" She stared at me with wide eyes.

"I know! I'm sorry!" I cried out

"Dude you're fine. I lost feelings for him long ago! But I always knew he had a thing for you. But what are you gonna do? I say we confront him."  She shrugged as she pulled me down and hugged me.

"Okay...but what if he wants nothing to do with me? Or the baby? What if he wants me to abort it?" I began to panic.

"I doubt it Sophia! Knowing him, he'd love that kid unconditionally. I'll call him later so we can meet up for lunch tomorrow and we can get shit cleared up! Alright! So don't worry and take care of my little nephew!"

"Nephew? Dude it's been a month barely and you are giving the baby a gender?!" I hit her arm

"Hey something tells me it's a boy. When am I ever wrong?" I playfully rolled my eyes and we both bursted out in laughter.

Everything is going to be alright after all.

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