Let's try this Again

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(Play the song when I say so)

Sophia's P.O.V

It has been a wonderful time in the Bahamas, everything was so surreal it was all too good. The wonderful weather and the beautiful view. Today was sadly our last day here, We were currently back at the hotel cuddling watching whatever movie was on.

"I can't believe its over and we fly back tomorrow morning." I said as I pouted my lips and traced figures on his chest.

"Me either, Its been so good. I love the view, the ocean, and you." He pecked my lips and pulled back to continue watching whatever it was. I was too focused on my thoughts rather than the movie.

"That was so cheesy,But Gray can we do something else and actually enjoy our last day?" I whined, clearly I was bored out of my mind.

"What time is it?"

"It's 4:37pm"

"Let's take a nap and the we can get ready for your surprise." Grayson turned the tv off and turned over wrapping his arms around me.

"Can I get a kiss first?" 

"Of Course, you're such a baby." 

"Your baby."

"Always" I leaned in and kissed his lips, bringing my hand over to his right cheek. Deepening the kiss, I pushed him back climbing on top of him.

"Taking control now?" Grayson said breaking the kiss, I nodded as I bit my lip.

"Its hot, so why don't we just...do something else rather than the nap I suggested?" He said wiggling his eyebrows

"I hate you" I laughed as I pecked his lips

"I take that as a Yes." He flipped us over making me squeal. 


We made our way over to the dock and got on this beautiful yacht as the sun was starting to set. Bringing the sky a beautiful red-orange like color, the view was so pleasing everything was absolutely perfect. It was a moment I sure did not want to forget.

"I almost forgot to tell you how beautiful you look." I felt Grayson wrap his arms around my waist from behind.

"Thank you, you don't look bad yourself." I smiled as he kissed my shoulder lightly.

"Did you enjoy the trip?" 

"I loved it a lot, So thank you Grayson for bringing me here and making these past few days the best." I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"The best is yet to come babygirl, now lets go have dinner." We both let go off of each other and made our way to the table that was decorated with candles and rose petals. We chatted throughout dinner and It felt so good. For once I actually felt complete and happy to know that things were starting to go back to normal. 

-Play the song-

"Sophia, May I please have this dance?" 

I looked at Grayson and took his hand as we made our way over to an open spot where we can dance. I smiled as I laid my head on his shoulder, we both swayed as the song softly played in the background. I closed my eyes enjoying the moment, realizing how much Grayson really meant to me. He has become a part of me the moment Oliver came into our lives, Oliver is a part of us. We've been through somethings but we managed to try again. 

I pulled away from Grayson's shoulder and stared into his eyes that were filled with admiration and love. 

"You know I love you right?" He spoke as he looked into my eyes

"I do, I Love you so much Grayson. Thank you for everything, Literally. You've been amazing." He smiled as he signaled me to turn, and so as I turned I found Grayson down on one knee. I gasped and covered my mouth. 

"Sophia, I know that things haven't always been easy for us. We have had our ups and downs, I want you to know that I Grayson Bailey Dolan...is here for the long run. We have grown and changed for the better. I know we've done some mistakes but they are all in the past, and I want you to know that I am the luckiest man to say you are the mother of my child, and the woman of my dreams. I love you and Oliver more than anything in this world, I want to be there for you and him every single day of my life. I want to wake up to the both of you because I can never get enough of you two. You guys are my world and my everything, So Sophia Please do me the honor of becoming my Wife...Will you marry me?" I looked at Grayson's eyes as they shined and glistened with hope. I felt the tears stream down my face taking everything he just said. 

"Y-yes I-I Do!" He smiled as he got up slipping the ring on my finger before kissing me. We both pulled away, I noticed a few tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Why are you crying Gray? Its okay" I wiped his tears away as he licked his lips before speaking up.

"I was scared you were going to say no and I'm just really happy you said yes." 

"Aww baby, I love you so so so much." I pecked his lips repeatedly earning a chuckle from him. 

"I am so In love with you Sophia, You have no idea how much pain and anger I felt when you left. I was angry at myself for letting you go and for not expressing myself the way that I should have.You are such a strong woman and you have done the absolute best to raise our son, I wish we could have done things better in the past. But I am glad we are here right here, right now, you and me." I smiled as I pulled him into a sweet passionate kiss.

Everything was so perfect, All the chaos led to this moment. I did not deserve this man but god blessed me with him for a reason and I can't help but be very grateful to have some as loving and understanding like Grayson. We didn't plan on hooking up at a party but it brought Oliver into our lives and I wouldn't want it any other way.

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