Now or Never

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Grayson's P.O.V

I've been here waiting in the waiting room with Leo and Ethan. It's been about 3 hours since I brought Sophia in. They still haven't told us anything and I was slowly growing anxious.

"Hey do you guys t-think something bad h-happened?" I said as I looked up at Leo and Ethan.

"Gray...let's be positive! Alright she's a fighter and so is that baby. So let's hope everything is okay." Ethan said as he came next to me and hugged me. I felt a lump in my throat, I couldn't risk to lose either of them. I've grown to love them both, they are my world.

"Leo?!? Is she okay?" A tall man in his mid 40's dressed in a navy blue suit came in and ran over to Leo, hugged her.

"We haven't heard's been 3 hours."

"How did this happen?" He asked, I couldn't help but listen and figure out who this man was.

"We went out to eat and she got up to use the bathroom. She called me and o found her bleeding on the floor. She had bruises where I am assuming they assaulted her." Leo said as she looked down feeling ashamed that she didn't prevent this.

"Well I'll place in a report later, how did you guys get here?"

"They brought us here." She pointed towards Ethan and I. I see Leo and the man walk up to us.

"This is Grayson Sophia's boyfriend and his brother Ethan." She introduced us. Both of us got up and shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you guys my name is Liam Evans, Sophia's father pleasure to meet you both."

"Pleasure was ours sir" Ethan kindly responded.

"Well Leo I'm gonna be in town for a few weeks. Eleanor will arrive later tonight. Please keep me updated on what goes on, now If you shall excuse me I have an important meeting to attend." We said our goodbyes and sat down.

"Well that wasn't the way I wanted to meet him. Seems like he's a busy man" I sighed and I grew impatient.

"Only if you knew Grayson, he does it all for Sophia. Her dad got into the family business at a young age and married her mom at 22. Their business was falling apart. To the point they lost so much and almost ended up living in the streets. And so he was the one to take action to save it, nobody wanted to take up after. He's done this for years, and he's never let Sophia down."

"You learn something new everyday" Ethan said as he played on his phone.

"Shut up" I playfully punched his arm.

"Is anyone here for Sophia Evans?" The doctor said as he looked at his clip board and stared at everyone in the room. We stood up and walked over to him.

"How is she? How is the baby?" I asked growing anxious and scared.

"She is okay, bruises are all over her body. As for the baby we had minor complications, but we were able to stabilize the baby. I do recommend she stays in bed rest for a few weeks to relax and get better. Any questions?"

"When is she able to go home?"

"In a few hours we just want to make sure she's okay. But feel free to go in and see her. But do not overwhelm her, now if you'll excuse me. I hope you guys have a good evening." The doctor said as he walked away.

"Well lets all go!" We walked over to her room and knocked. Hearing a faint come in.

"Hi my beautiful people!" Sophia said as smiled and opened her arms. We all laughed and hugged her.

"Someone's in a good mood even though they look half dead" Leo said as she sat at the edge of the bed.

"Oh they gave me this medicine to ease the pain. But it gets me all loopy." I chuckle at her.

"So...sorry to ruin the fun but.. what happened back there?" I asked. Her smiled immediately faded and her eyes grew with fear.

"U-Uhm...I-I" she stuttered trying to get the words out of her mouth. I held her hand in comfort.

"Relax okay. Take your time."

"I-I w-was going to the bathroom...and I was looking for an empty stall. W-when s-someone c-came up f-f-from behind me. And covered my mouth. I looked from the corner of my e-eye and I-I saw M-Mason." Her voice grew more silent towards the end as she began to cry.

"Who did you see?" Leo asked as she walked over to Sophia and hugged her.

"M-Mason." She whispered.

"Who is that?" Ethan and I both asked at the same time.

"Her ex boyfriend. Back from when they were like 16 he was a psycho who developed an obsession with her. And was sent to a happy home." Leo explained as she tried getting Sophia to calm down.

"Then why are you all covered in bruises" I asked as I gently touched the bruises on her cheek.

"H-he threatened to hurt you or the baby. If i didn't go with him....and I cussed him out. And He got mad and h-he slapped me. From there he started beating me, and I tried my b-best t-to S-save the b-baby. B-But I failed." Sophia began to cry harder.

"No no no baby. You are okay, and so is the baby. It wasn't your fault it was his fault. And I swear that son of a bitch is going to pay for this." I wiped her tears away.

"By the way your dad is in town. He stopped by and said your mom is coming in later tonight." Leo spoke as she played with Sophia's hair.

"Fuck! They don't even know I'm pregnant! I never got the chance to tell them! Fuck! They are gonna disown me! And hate Grayson!"

"Baby you're a little late. I met your dad already. He seemed okay with me, I guess but the pregnancy part. We can arrange a dinner between us 9."

"9?" Ethan questioned

"I'm gonna fly my parents and Cameron out here. And we can arrange something. And announce your pregnancy to them. And while we are at it maybe we can have the baby shower."


"Okay sounds good. God you're amazing!" She pulled my face in and gave me a peck.

"Hey!! Am I not great?" Leo said crossing her arms and pouting.

"Of course you are. Now I wanna go home!!! And eat some pizza and get some rest in my own bed."

"You got a few hours to go before you are released. They wanna make sure you are good to go."

"Ugh! Will you stay the night with me guys?" Sophia said as she looked at us and pouted her lips.

"Me and Ethan can stay in the waiting room and Grayson can stay here, now if  you shall excuse and Ethan are gonna go get some clothes for you and change ourselves." Leo said as she walked over and grabbed Ethan's hand as they walked out.

"So babe..." I turned to look at Sophia but she was already sleeping. God, give her the strength to get better. And give me the courage to ask her to marry me.

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