I should've known better

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Sophia's P.O.V 

~Next Morning~

I woke a bit earlier than everyone and began to make breakfast, I made some extra in case my mom was hungry. As if on cue she walked into the kitchen and began making her coffee.

"Good Morning to you too mom! What time did you get home?" I said as I placed the bacon down

"Sorry, Good Morning Sophia! Last night was a mess, I came home late around 2am." She said as she sighed and took a sip of her coffee.

"Seems like someone had fun." I said as I placed her breakfast in front of her

"Seems like you did too and Didn't bother saying it. " She raised her eyebrows to let me know Grayson stood behind me with Oliver. 

I turned over to look at them and turn back to my mom giving her a sheepish smile.

"It's not like that...Something happened yesterday. And Grayson came to drop me off and we lost track of time. I didn't want him driving back home at night." 

"Good Morning Mrs.Evans, I am sorry for disrupting and for showing up out of nowhere." Grayson said as he took a seat besides her.

"Oh Grayson, you are always welcome. Call me Eleanor we are all family here, I Am glad to see that you guys made up. And What happened to your arm Sophia?" My Mom said as she kindly smiled at Grayson before she turned to me noticing the big scrape on my arm.

"Well I didn't eat with Ethan instead I met up with Grayson as a set up, As I was crossing the street I heard Grayson scream out my name when next thing I knew Grayson came running towards me and tackled me before the car hit me. So I ended up scraping my arm and getting a small cut on my forehead." I began to feed Oliver his baby cereal.

"Thank you for that Grayson, seems like your mom did teach you how to look both ways." My mom said as she playfully glared at me.

"You're Welcome but to be honest that car just came ou-" Grayson got cut off by the doorbell going off.

"I'll go get it. Please finish feeding Oli for me please Grayson?" I handed him Oli's little plate and made my way to answer the door. I opened the door to find Jack (Gilinsky)  standing there with a bouquet. 

"Hey Jack, What's up?" I nervously asked praying he wasn't here to stay and for Grayson to stay in the kitchen with my mom.

"Nothing much,I wanted to bring you these flowers and see if maybe you are free tonight?" Jack handed me the flowers, before I was able to respond I heard a voice behind me

"She is busy, busy with me and our son." Grayson said as he came up behind me with Oliver. I closed my eyes screaming 'FUCK ME! FUCK MY LIFE' inside my head. 

"What the fuck Soph?!?! You are married?! and have kid! I thought we were honest, clearly not." Jack said as he looked at me in disgust and disbelief.

"Look, Grayson please go inside with Oliver and Jack its not what it looks like okay! I know it looks wrong and everything but I wa-"

"Just save your excuses Sophia, save them for someone else because I am not going to be the one to hear them." Jack said walking off and turning around "Delete my number too, don't bother looking for me." 

I walked back inside to find Grayson on the little play mat with Oliver, I crossed my arms and debated whether I should kill him or save myself from going to jail.

"What the fuck Grayson!" I said as I kicked his leg to bring his attention.

"What do you mean what the fuck? Clearly that dude wasn't good for you so I saved you. You're Welcome." He said as he continued to play with Oliver.

"YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO RUIN MY LOVE LIFE OR BE INVOLVED!" I whispered/yelled being careful not to make Oliver cry.

"Sorry okay? He's just shit, you can do better. After all we are friends right? Friends help each other." He said as he picked Oliver up and taking him to my room. I followed behind, clearly not getting anywhere with this conversation.

"So what?! Did you ever think about my happiness? Clearly not! since you ruined everything!" I stomped out not wanting to hear what he had to say. I walked outside to the back porch and sat down as I listened to the ocean.  

After a few minutes of quietness, I heard the door open and close behind me. I didn't bother looking back knowing it was probably Grayson or my Mom.

"Look...I know you're upset and I should've known better. But I'll make it up to you, be ready tonight by 7. Don't worry about Oliver I got it Covered. I don't care whether you want to go or not go. But, I will be here at 7. But I'll see you later, I left Oli with your mom." I didn't say anything but I felt a smile creep into my face. 

Tonight should be good.

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