Earlier than expected

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Sophia's P.O.V

"SON OF A BITCH!" I hissed as I felt a contraction. It's been a few hours since Leo left. I've been worried and stressed about Grayson, and having these contractions aren't helping.

"Are you okay?" Ethan said as he rushed over to me.

"DOES IT LOOK LIKE I AM OKAY?!?" I felt contraction coming, I decided to take some deep breaths. And made my way to the kitchen to make myself some tea.  I placed the kettle on the stove, waiting for the water to boil.

I kept pacing back and forth, taking deep breaths. It's probably the baby applying pressure. No biggie, Braxton hicks happen to women.

I heard the kettle whistle, I turned over to the stove and turned it off. I grabbed a mug when I felt a strong contraction hit making me drop the mug.

"ARE YOU OKAY? I HEARD SOMETHING SHATTER!" Ethan said as he came in running finding me holding my stomach.

"OH MY FUCK!" I winced in pain.

"The baby is coming isn't it?" He asked as he looked at me. I nodded eagerly as I looked at him with a worried expression.

"We gotta take you to the hospital! Is the bag ready?" He asked

"No shit Sherlock! I AM NOT DUE TILL NEXT MONTH OR SO!" I begin to freak out.

"Wait here I will ummm try to google a list of things we need so I can pack them. Just hold on!!!" I nodded as Ethan ran off.

God please make sure Grayson makes it in time! I don't want him to miss this moment.

Leo's P.O.V

I got in my car as I sped over to Ethan's apartment to get the gun from the safe. Sophia can never know about this, it will only worry her.

After I got the gun, I run out to my car and begin to make my way over to Greenwood lake. I couldn't lose any more time, Mason is one sick son of a bitch. He always gets his way, but he needs to die. I drove around until I found a cabin.

I sighed and loaded the gun, making my way out of the car. I prepared myself in case Mason tried something. I walk over to the door and kick it open,  I looked around.

"IS ANYONE IN HERE?" I shouted as I looked around. I then heard someone cough, I follow the sound that leads me to a room. I open the the door to find Grayson.

"Oh shit! Grayson?" I rushed over to him to find him covered in bruises and blood.

"Leo? T-thank g-god!" He began to cough harder. But winced in pain as he tried sitting up.

"Come one Gray lets go, I'll help you out. What happened?" I helped him up as he placed some of his weight on me as we walked out over to my car.

"M-Mason, got away. He took my range  and left me with nothing. These dudes came out and beat the shit out of me." Grayson spoke as he limped his way over to the passenger side.

We both got in and began making our way back when I received a call from Ethan.

"Hey babe what's up?" I said as I kept driving. I looked over to find Grayson asleep.

"I-I am taking Sophia to the hospital! She's gonna have the baby" Ethan spoke so fast I couldn't understand.

"Hold up! Said it slower!"

"BABY IS COMING!" Ethan said as he hung up.  HOLY SHIT THE BABY IS COMING! I began speeding up the highway cutting every mother fucker off.

"Holy Shit Leo! What's going on?!! You're driving so fast!" Grayson said as he looked at me.

"TODAY IS THE DAY! YOU ARE GOING TO BE A DAD!" I smiled as we made our way closer to the hospital.

"I've been kno- WAIT SHE IS IN LABOR?" He said as he looked at me shockingly.

"Yes!" I looked over the review mirror to find a cop behind us.

"CAN YOU PLEASE PULL OVER!" I heard the cop speak as she turned the sirens off.

"Fuck!!" I pulled over and sighed.

"What do we do?" Grayson said as he began to panic.

"WHAT DO WE DO?!? GET OUT AND RUN! GOOOOO!" I shouted as he smiled and ran out the car. My smile faded as I turned to see the cop tap on my window.

"Look, you pulled me over because I was speeding! My best friend is about to give birth and I am gonna miss it! You can follow me and arrest me after! But I need to go! I can't miss this!" I looked at her hoping she would say yes.

"Fine! I will let you go but I'll fine you with speeding ticket. Have a good afternoon. And congrats to her." The cop said as she handed me my ticket and walked away.

I sped off into the parking lot and made me way in to find Grayson at the front desk.

" I need to see her! My wife is in labor!"

"I am sorry, have a seat!" The receptionist spoke as she typed away. I got mad and grabbed her by her shirt.

"Listen! His wife is giving birth! We need to be there now tell us what room Sophia Dolan is in." She typed away scared that I would beat her in front of everyone.

"Floor 5! Room 307 " she spoke in fear, I let her go as I yelled out a thank you and pulled Grayson with me.

We made up to the fifth floor, I looked over and Grayson to only share a look of excitement and nervousness.

"You'll be a great dad, lets go! " I pat his back as I gave him a reassuring smile.

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