Its just a kiss, right?

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Sophia's P.O.V

"Welcome to my humble home!" I said as I closed the door behind Grayson. 

"It looks nice and big, Where's Oli?" He asked as he sat down on the couch.

"He's asleep, my mom left a minute before we got here she was going to go meet some of her girl friends at the bar or something." I shrugged as I grabbed the first aid kit from the kitchen and made my way back to the living room sitting down.

" and Ethan?" He spoke after a few minutes of silence, I looked up at him and smiled knowing he was curious. He continued cleaning and disinfecting the gash in my forehead, acting like he didn't really care.

"What about Ethan and I?" I decided to mess with him a little bit.

"A-Are y-you guys like a thing?" He cleared his throat and added some antibiotic on to the gash.

"Mmm...Do you consider him pleasing me a thing?" I smirked knowing he would get mad, I saw him clench his jaw. 

"So fuck buddies? great! that's fantastic!" I could sense anger,jealousy, and sarcasm in his voice. I grabbed his hand and held it with both of mine

"I'm just kidding. Ethan and I only text, We went out to have lunch a few times that's about it. We are friends nothing more. He made sure I was good throughout this time before my mom found out I was living here." His face softened and sat besides me, I let go of his hand.

"So there's nothing between you guys?" 

"No,not at all." I gave him a reassuring smile as I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Good." He wrapped his arms around me in a comforting manner, If there was one thing I missed it was moments like this. 

"Why is it a good thing?" I looked up at him to make eye contact

"Because...For once in my life I had something Ethan didn't. Ethan always had everything but the one thing he didn't have was you...and I just really loved the idea of that. I had it all a wonderful girl and a baby on the way. Life was perfect, you were perfect." He looked at my lips then back at my eyes, and so I leaned in. He closed the space between our lips and kissed me so gently, but the kiss was cut short when we heard Oliver cry. 

We both laughed as we pulled away

"I'll be back with Oliver, It's time to feed him." I got up and picked Oliver up taking him back to the living room to find Grayson looking nervous.

"Why are you so nervous? It's just a baby, our baby." I sat down as I began to lift my shirt up to feed Oliver.

"I just haven't seen him in a wh-What are you doing?" Grayson looked at me as if I was crazy.

"Breast feeding I like to mix both, see throughout the day I take turns feeding him formula and breast milk. Sometime's I blend some fruits in the blender and stuff like that to feed him. You're acting as if you never seen my boobs, come on dude. He's a little late on the teething but it's normal, they are starting to come in." I laughed as I began to feed Oliver and covered him lightly with a blanket for Grayson's sake.

"Its just weird, I don't know anything about this stuff so..." 

"Yet, you want to file for full custody." I looked over at him to find him playing with his hands something he does when he's thinking.

"I'll stop, I will tell the lawyer I don't want to go through with it. Maybe you and I can work something out. I'll get him several days and stuff like that." 

I smiled and fixed myself up once Oliver was done

"That be great, now pass me those little strawberry banana puffs." I sat Oliver on my lap as Grayson headed over to get me Oliver's little puffs.

I poured some on my hand as he used his little fingers to pick a few of them and shoving them in his mouth. 

"He is so cute...God I wish I could've just been there all this time, seeing him grow."

I stayed silent and bit my lip, I felt bad for having to have left Grayson alone and not letting him see his son grow. 

"Gray..." I turned to look at him, He was busy admiring Oliver.

"Mm?" He averted his gaze from Oliver and turned to me.

"I do..." 

"You do what?" He looked at me confused

"I do want to work something out between us, for Oli." I smiled, as I handed him over to Grayson. Oliver began to look at Grayson in amazement with his big little eyes and giggled as he touched Grayson's face.  I looked over to find a little happy tear streaming down Grayson's cheek, I wiped it off. 

He turned over to me

"Thank you. Thank you for letting me come into his life once again." He kissed my cheek before continuing to play with Oliver making him giggle even more.

I smiled as I admired the little moment

Maybe things were changing for the better...

But the kiss....It was just a kiss, right?

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