Truth always comes out

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A/N: that's an image of what Sophia looks like! Anyways enjoy they rest of the chapter.

Sophia's P.O.V

Today was the day I confronted the father of my child. Not to mention we always had a love-hate friendship because of Leo.

I got up and checked my phone 10:36 am. Fuck I guess I gotta get ready, I got up from the bed instantly feeling sick. I run to the toilet and vomit everything from earlier this morning.

This is gonna be the longest 9 months of my life! So far I've completed 1 month so make it 8 months to go.

I got up and brushed my teeth, shortly after jumping into the shower. Once I was fully showered and smelling good. I walked over to my closet deciding what to wear. After 10 minutes I decided to wear faded blue jeans with an adidas crop sweatshirt.

I mean my bump isn't even visible yet so why not enjoy while I can. I walked over to my vanity and began to do make up.  I heard my phone go off, to find a message from Leo.

From: Leo ❤️

Hurry the fuck up! We are both waiting here! We just need you and Ethan!

To: Leo ❤️

On my way! Love you bitch! 😘

I got my purse and made my way out the door. I walked up to my 2018 Audi Q5 and made my way to the cafe.


Once I arrived I walked up to Leo, Grayson, and Ethan. When it came to greeting Grayson instantly got nervous and felt butterflies in my belly.  The oddest thing of all was that he kissed my cheek.

"Well have you been Ethan?" I asked as I sat down.

"I've been great! How about yourself?"

"The usual ya know busy with work and what not. Might eventually quit...." I said looking down at the menu.

"NO WAY! You can't quit! You work as the head of the photography department at Vogue!" Ethan said out loud as people looked at us.

"Ethan shut the fuck up!" Leo hissed as she pinched his arm.

"Ow! But literally why are you gonna quit?"

"I-I um got a lot of things go-" I was cut off by Leo.

"Alright guys....let's cut the chase" I immediately felt like killing Myself. She was gonna say everything. This could either ruin us or clear things up.

"What? Why? Is there something going on?" Grayson asked looking at us 3.

"Yes Grayson! Truth is I've been seeing this dumb ass aka Ethan for the past 3 months okay? It's wrong but I didn't know how to break it to you." Leo said as she looked at him with guilt on her face.

"Kinda figured. Don't worry I kinda figured you guys had a thing. I lost feelings for you too a long while ago. But I couldn't find the way to tell you." Grayson said as he gave her a reassuring smile.

"Well that went better than I believe Sophia has something she'd like to say!" She smiled at me. I gave her a death glare and gulped.

"What is it?" Both of the twins said.

"Uhm....I-I umm..." I began to scratch the back of my head.

"You can tell us anything!" Grayson said as he took my other hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"I-I'm pregnant guys..." I stuttered out as I looked at them. They all smiled at me. But they didn't know the other part.

"That's great! But who's the dad?" Both of the twins said in unison.

"He's actually here." I said as I looked around.

"Where is he? So we can invite him to sit with us!" Ethan said as he looked around.

"God you're such an idiot Ethan!" Leo said as she sipped on her coke.

"What? Isn't it that guy over there? The hipster one?" Ethan said as he looked over at me.

"No...he's actually already here. Sitting next to you." I mumbled out the last part.

"What was that Soph?" Grayson asked

"IT'S YOU GRAYSON! YOU ARE THE DAD!" I whispered yelled.  Ethan and Grayson's mouth turned into an 'o'

"I can't?! We never did anything!" Grayson said as he looked at me confused.

"We did...we hooked up at Madison's party. In every clip we are all up on each other. And I remembered I woke up next to a guy."

"Oh..." he said as the waiter came and placed our orders down. (Forgot to mention they ordered their food lmao) we thank him and we all eat silently, after having a quiet lunch. We all finished and paid.  I was walking to my car when I heard my name being called

"SOPHIA! WAIT UP!" I turned to find Grayson running my way. I stopped in my tracks waiting for him to catch up.

"Yes Grayson?" I asked as I began walking again.

"Let me walk you to your car yeah?" He asked looked at me. I just simply nodded my head.

"Look I know you probably expected a better reaction. I mean I am happy like holy fuck I'm gonna be a dad. But this is not the way I planned it to be. And now I remember the girl I hooked up with was you because of the tattoo on your shoulder."

"Okay...? And you think I wanted to get pregnant? I didn't. But here we are....I hooked up with my best friends boyfriend. That's sick! Like is that what I'm gonna tell my kid?"

" your kid? He is also mine Sophia!" He said as we approached my car. I turned to look at him.

"Look Grayson. If you don't want anything to do with me or the baby. It's okay I'm fine with it. You don't have to worry about anything. So if you will excuse me I have to go see my mom." I pushed past him, when he pulled me back by my arm.

" about we talk about this later tonight? I'll swing by your apartment. " he said as he caressed my cheek with his thumb.

"Okay..." I said looking up at him. He looked down at my lips and gave them a small peck.

"Well I'll see you later tonight Soph." He said as he pulled away and made his way to his car which was only across the street.

I got inside my car and decided to tell my mom about my pregnancy some other time.

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