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Grayson's P.O.V 

I decided to text Sophia from Ethan's phone and quickly deleted the messages after she agreed to meet up. I made my way over to this Small Cafe she liked because of their famous food. I quickly made my way over to a booth, and patiently waited for her to show up. There was several thing's I wanted to address before I saw her in court. 

I turned to my right when I saw her mother drop her off, she walked in with a huge smile on her face but it quickly vanished when she saw me. I looked at her as I got up, she walked over to me with her eyes screaming fear and disappointment. 

"Hey..." I tried to gently touch her shoulder in a friendly matter but she only flinched and took my hand off her shoulder. 

"Don't touch me please...You lied! I thought Ethan was going to be here!" She looked up at me with anger. 

"Look can we please sit down and talk?" 

"Talk about what? There is nothing to talk about!" 

"Please, Stop being so difficult for once and listen!" I was growing frustrated at the fact she was trying to avoid every situation possible.

"Fine. You have 5 minutes to say whatever you have to say and after that I am leaving." She sat down and crossed her arms. It's impossible to be mad at the one person that means the most to you, but clearly I wasn't the one she loved the most.

"I-I'm sure you got my little message from Ethan.." I licked my lips and folded my hands before I continued talking.

"It was very mature of you....to send Ethan! Grow the fuck up Grayson! You Should've accepted my mistake and grown up to give me the envelope yourself!" She rolled her eyes

"I didn't know where you were for the past 8 months okay? I did grow the fuck up by taking this to court and actually fighting for something you took away from me! I had Ethan deliver it to you because I knew you guys talked. Which is so fucking immature of you to just leave and change your number!" 

"I HAVE HAD ENOUGH GRAYSON! I AM TIRED OF HAVING TO TAKE THE BLAME! I'M SO SORRY I AM NOT PERFECT! HOW DO YOU THINK I FEEL?!? I AM ABOUT TO LOSE MY SON TOO BECAUSE OF YOU! And...It isn't fair that he has to pay for whatever we do." She raised her voice as it turned into a whisper, soon her brown eyes brimmed with tears that were threatening to spill.

I suddenly felt guilt, I guess I never took time to listen to how she felt.


"Why what Grayson?" 

"Why did you cheat?" 

"I wasn't thinking okay! During the baby shower I saw Leo touch your arm and you guys looked so into each other. So my hormones and emotions got the best of me, I went outside and Ethan joined me. And we had moment...so we kissed. I didn't feel guilt then because you had been acting so weird and distant from me, and I felt like you just didn't want to be with me anymore.." I looked at her as she looked up from playing with her hands.

"Nothing was g-going on with me and Leo...I told her about my situation with Mason. Nothing else and she touched my arm in a friendly manner. It didn't work out between me and her...so I wouldn't go back. She had been trying to get with Ethan but all of this happened, and Its not that I didn't want you, I was scared with everything and I was scared to hurt you."

"T-Then w-wh-why did you make excuses after Oliver came home to sleep on the couch and avoid spending time with me?" I looked at her and the more my heart began to break seeing her nose turn red and tears streaming down her face. 

"Because I-I k-knew you and Ethan were lying. I know my brother to well to know when he's lying, so I figured something happened between you. Was it just a kiss?" I swallowed the lump in my throat as I waited for her to answer. I wasn't sure if my heart can take what she is about to say. 

"N-No...We did more than that. I had the chance to say no and stop it all but I let my desires get the best of me and I know that If I really loved you then I would have done so. But...maybe we just aren't meant for each other Grayson. Sure, we have a son together but that doesn't mean or change anything. Yes, you made me happy and made me feel a way like no one else can; I was excited to get married and live together. Maybe life didn't want it that way. You deserve to do better Grayson." I nodded as I felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest, I saw her get up and gather her things.

"Grayson...Just please reconsider your choices, do it for Oliver please?" She began to walk away when I got up seeing a car coming towards her direction. 

" SOPHIA!!!" I quickly ran over to her and pushed us out of the way as the car sped off. I held her close before I looked over to her.

"Are you okay? Does anything hurt?" I asked pulling her on to my lap.

"I'm fine, I just scraped my arm and that's about it." I nodded as I move her hair out of her face to find a decent sized gash on her forehead.

"You got a gash on your forehead Soph, come on let's get you home." I got up and helped her get up as I guided her to my car.  

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