Chapter 22 Enough

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Chapter 22 Enough

Elwen was quiet as the guard led her down into the depths of the Woodland Realm. Her eyes darted around, taking in the wild beauty surrounding her. The entire structure was built from the stone and roots of the earth. It was a different beauty than Rivendell, far more her taste. It made sense. This was her father's realm, after all.

Walking through those halls should have felt like coming home, but it didn't. It wasn't home and it doubtfully ever would be.

When they reached the dungeon, the dwarves began calling to her loudly. They heckled the guard, which probably wasn't the best idea, but she couldn't help but smile.

The elf opened the cell door and before she walked inside, he handed her the weapons they had confiscated. She thanked him quietly and he closed the door. Before he walked away, he placed his hand above his heart and bowed.

"Aranel." Princess.

Elwen blinked at him as he turned his back and walked away.

Thorin sprang to his feet from his place on the floor and was by her side in an instant.

"Are you hurt?" he asked. His hands ghosted over her arms, eyes searching for even the smallest scratch.

"I'm alright," she said, though it was far from the truth.

She smiled and reached out to pull a few strands of lingering spider web from his hair. He caught her hand, pressing a kiss to the palm. She tried hard not to flinch, to enjoy his warmth. When he finds out who I am, he'll never touch me again.

Her smile didn't fool Thorin. His brow furrowed, but the rest of the company had begun to earnestly call for her attention, and she knew she'd get no peace until she spoke with them. She pressed her face against the bars.

"Will you lot shut your bloody holes?!" she yelled over the din. "They clearly didn't chop me into bits and have me for supper!"

"Did you hit them with sticks until they locked you up with us?" Kili asked teasingly, but she could hear the relief in his voice. He must have been beside himself. She would have been, had the situation been reversed.

"Shup it, Kili!" Fili shouted, then added, "They found all my weapons, Elwen."

"Even the knife?"

Fili heaved a great sigh, and she laughed.

"You're going to have to teach me how to hide so many weapons," she said.

"Gladly, little sister mine," he replied, and she could tell he was smiling.

Once more, Elwen's heart ached. What would Legolas think about a dwarf calling her sister when he'd been denied that for twenty-five years?

"I told them those elves wouldn't want to tangle with a wild cat like you," came Dwalin's gruff voice.

"Tough as dwarf nails indeed," said Bofur fondly.

Elwen felt warmth spread through her chest for the first time since being in the presence of King Thranduil. The company had been worried for her. They cared about her just as much as she cared about them, and she was sure they had raised all holy hell when she'd not come back with Thorin. No matter the consequences, she knew she'd done the right thing by choosing them, choosing to honor the commitment she'd made to her friends. Now she could only hope and believe that they would choose her as well.

"Have any of you figured out a way to get us out of here?" Elwen asked.

"I'm afraid not," Balin said heavily. "A deal was our only hope."

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