05 - bury

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All Olivia wanted to do was to bury whatever she's feeling for Everett deep down. It's something she doesn't want to feel for her partner. Her feelings for Everett is scaring her. So many thoughts is going through her mind thinking about her feelings for Everett.

She had picked up Dylan from her friends house and brought him home.

"Are you okay?" Dylan asked.

"I'd be lying if I said yes," she said.

"Why? What happened?" Dylan asked his legal guardian.

"A lot happened, Dylan," she said. "A lot."

"So... will you tell me?"

"When we get home," she responded.

Out of all people, Dylan is one of the few people she trusts the most. Especially with her current situation. The two finally got to their apartment. They went up to their apartment and entered.

"So, what's going on?"

"I don't want to talk about it," she said.

Dylan try to get her to talk about what's going on. He knew that he's like that when about certain topics. 

"Do you still have homework?" Olivia asked Dylan.

"Yeah, I have some homework left," he said. 

"Go finish it," Olivia instructed. "The sooner you finish it, the better."

"Ugh," he groaned but he did do his homework. 

He managed to finish his homework on an hour.

"Can we go out for dinner?" Dylan asked Olivia.

"Yeah, sure," she said. "Where do you want to go?"

"Um, maybe Round Table Pizza," he said. "I'm in the mood for pizza."

She nodded. "Come on, let's go."

The two left their apartment and started to head to Round Table Pizza.


Everett and Ella got home after they arrived at the airport. Everett stayed quiet on the car ride home. Ella picked up on this.

"Uncle Everett?" she said.

"Yeah?" he said.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine. Why?" he asked.

"You've been quiet," Ella said. "Is it Olivia again?"

Out of all people, Ella is one of the few people she trusts. He doesn't;t trust many people. Not with the career he has now. There are many things Everett has shared with his niece and his partner, but there are certain things he either keeps to himself or shares it with hie niece or partner. But when it comes to his feelings for Olivia, it's something he can't keep to himself and something that he can only trust Ella with.

"Yes," he said.

"Are you going to tell her?" Ella asked. "I think she deserves to know."

"She does," Everett admitted. "But she doesn't feel the same for me."

"Yeah, true," Ella agreed. 

"Should I tell her, though?" Everett asked. "Like you said, she deserves to know."

"Maybe wait for a bit," Ella suggested. "Maybe once you know what you feel exactly, tell her, but I'm only niece, so."

"Yeah," he agreed. 

"But you will tell her, right?" Ella asked. 

"Yeah, I will, I hope," he responded. "I really want to tell her, it's something she'll eventually find out. Secrets aren't going to stay a secret forever. Eventually, they'll be revealed."

"You have a point," Ella said.

Everett nodded.

The two got home and began to unpack their belongings. 

"It's been some trip, hasn't it?" Everett asked, leaning against Ella's bedroom door frame.

"Yeah, it has," she said. "I may not have been there the entire time, but it has been some trip."

Everett eyes went from his niece to her window.

"Uncle Everett?" she said.


"Can you promise me something?" she asked.

"Anything," he said. 

"Have you ever thought of what our life would be like if Dad never left me at your doorstep? If Mom never died?" Ella asked.

Everett looked at his niece.

"Yes, I have thought of that," he admitted. "Everything would be different. I would be a different man. But everything that happens to us, it doesn't happen by coincidence, remember?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right," she said. 

"The man I would've been if your mom hadn't died, if your father hadn't left you at my doorstep, I wouldn't the man I am today."

Ella nodded.

"Get back to unpacking," Everett said. "And start on whatever homework you had missed."

Ella didn't complain and did what her uncle told her to do. 


I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I've been wanting to write a fan fiction on T'Challa but I don't really have a plot for it and I'm not sure if I should. If I should, tell me if I should do one. And I'd really like some help with working not the plot, so if any of you is willing to help work on the plot, send me a message. If you're willing to help, thank you in advance.

Anyway, once again, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Another chapter will come soon, hopefully. 

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