14 - un meeting

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Olivia woke up stressed. She and Everett had to go to the UN Meeting later that afternoon and had to deal with her parents.

When Olivia left her bedroom that morning, she noticed her mother staring at her outfit. She sensed that her mother didn't approve of the outfit.

"What is it now, Mom?" Olivia asked.

"Nothing," her mother responded, looking away.

"Are you sure?" Olivia asked. "It seems to me that you were judging my outfit."

"No," she lied, "no, I wasn't."

"Mom, I can't deal with this right now, alright?" Olivia said. "I have a lot to deal with today and I don't want to deal with you as well."

"I don't appreciate being spoken like that, Liv."

"If you can't deal with how I'm speaking to you, feel free to leave. I never agreed to you and Dad coming here in the first place. So please, if you don't like how I speak to you, leave."

"Maybe I will."

"Good!" Olivia said. "Leave! At least that's one less thing I have to deal with!"

As Olivia picked up her bag, her mother said, "I really thought you'd be thrilled to see us, Liv. I guess I was wrong. And I was also hoping to spend time with my daughter but clear I wasn't able to."

Olivia took a deep breath.

"How can I be thrilled with you and Dad when you two have criticized me my whole life?" Olivia asked. "You always showed favoritism to Jack growing up and Chloe my whole life and I couldn't live up to what they did."

"Oh this is what's it's all about?"

"Why don't you pack your things and get out of my house? How about you go to Seattle or Miami where your favorite kids are at?" Olivia suggested. "I don't want you or dad at my house when I get back. I have more important things to do then deal with your bullshit."

Before her mother could respond, Olivia walked out of her house to get to work. On the way, she stopped to get coffee and a bagel for her breakfast.

When she got to her office, Everett was there waiting for her.

"Hey, are you okay?" Everett asked.

"I'm fine," Olivia said. "I just didn't think I had to deal with my mother this early in the morning."

"Well -"

"Don't say anything," Olivia said. "I don't want to talk about it."

"Just one thing," Everett said.


"Is that why you've always been annoyed or stressed? Or both?"

"Yes," Olivia said. "I have no idea why I had to deal with her and my dads bullshit for this long."

"What did you do?"

"Kick them out," Olivia said. "I don't want to talk about it any longer."


They got to the conference room at the UN meeting. They stood in the back of the room.

Olivia saw everyone that entered and left the room. Everyone was waiting for the meeting to start. Instead of just sitting around and waiting, they'd come and go. Some were going to the bathroom or going to drink water before the meeting. Others want to stretch their legs and have a conversation with others. 

"When are they coming?" Everett asked impatiently. "I really need to talk to T'Challa before the meeting starts."

"I'm sure they'll arrive soon," Olivia responded.

"Yeah, I don't know," Everett said. 

A few minutes have passed and T'Challa finally arrived with Okoye and Nakia arrived. Olivia noticed this first.

"There they are," Olivia said to Everett said.

Everett looked up. He saw the trio heading their way.

"Stay here," Everett said. "Don't let anyone take my spot."

"Everett -" Olivia began but Everett left his spot to talk to the King of Wakanda.

Olivia sighed. She looked straight ahead for a few moments before looking back at them. Everett talked to T'Challa for a bit before coming back.

"What did you guys talk about?" Olivia asked. 

"Nothing important," Everett shrugged.

"You go on and on about me being the only person you trust, and you won't trust me with this?" Olivia asked.

"I'll tell you later," Everett said. "The meeting is about to start."

Olivia rolled her eyes and the UN meeting started.

A few leaders went up before T'Challa. 

"What do you think he'll talk about?" Olivia whispered.

"He told me what he'll talk about, but I'm not sure if he'll go through with it," Everett said.

"What did he say?"

"He said that he's going to open Wakanda's borders, but I have some doubts," Everett said.

"He actually said that?" Olivia asked, surprised.

"Yeah," he confirmed.

T'Challa went up to the microphone stand with Nakia and Okoye behind him.

"Oh, he's up," Olivia said. 

T'Challa began to speak.

"Wakanda will no longer watch from the shadows," he spoke. "We cannot. We must now. We will work to be an example of how we as brothers and sisters on this Earth should treat each other. Now, more then ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in time of crisis the wise build bridges while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe."

"With all due respect, King T'Challa, what kind of nation of farmers has to offer to the rest of the world?" a reporter asked. 

Everett and Olivia both smiled at T'Challa. 

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