08 - wakanda

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Olivia, Dylan and Ella stood by the table, watching Shuri working.

"This is awesome," Dylan said in awe.

"I thought we had really good technology," Olivia said, "I guess I was wrong."

While Dylan and Ella were distracted by Shuri working, she glanced over at Everett, who was still unconscious. She slowly approached him. As she did, she saw Everett open his eyes. She sighed in relief, knowing that he's okay, knowing that he's alive.

He got off of the table and reaching over to his back.

Olivia quickly walked over to Everett and hugged him.

"I'm so glad that you're okay," she said quietly.

Once she let go of him, Everett said, quietly, "Hey, I'm fine. Don't worry okay?"

"Okay," Olivia said.

"Where are Dylan and Ella?"

"Over there," she said.

Everett began to take in his surroundings.

"All right, where am I?" Everett said. Everett's voice caused the three teenagers to jump.

"Don't scare me like that, colonizer," Shuri said.

"Colonizer?" Dylan repeated.

"Uncle Everett? Are you okay?"

"What? Yeah, I'm fine. My name is Everett," Everett introduced himself.

"Yes, I know," Shuri said. She returned to her work. "Everett Ross, former Air Force pilot and now CIA agent."

"Right," he said.

"We didn't tell her anything, I swear," Ella said. "She searched you up herself."

"Okay, is this Wakanda?" Everett asked.

"No, it's Kansas," Shuri responded, sarcastically.

"How long ago was Korea?"

"It was yesterday, Everett," Olivia responded.

"I don't think so," Everett said. "Bullet wounds don't just magically heal overnight."

"They do here, Everett," Dylan said.

"And it's not magic, it's technology," Shuri added.

"It's pretty impressive, the technology they have here," Olivia said.

"Don't touch anything, my brother will return soon," Shuri said.

Dylan and Ella continued to watch Shuri work. Olivia followed Everett to the glass window.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Olivia asked Everett. She placed her hand on his shoulder as she asked him.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Everett said.

A train with Vibranium went down the train track. There was another one that stopped.

"These train things, that - that's magnetic levitation, right?" Everett asked.

"Obviously," Shuri said. She stopped working.

"Obviously," Everett repeated. "But I've never seen it this efficient," Everett said, really impressed. "The light panels, what are they?"

"They are Sonic Stabilizers," Shuri said.

"They are what?"

"In it's raw form, Vibranium is too dangerous to transport at that speed," Shuri said. She started to approached Everett and Olivia. Ella and Dylan glanced at each other before following Shuri, "so I developed a way to temporarily deactivate it."

"There's Vibranium in those trains?" Dylan asked.

"It's Vibranium all around us," Shuri said. "That's how I healed you," she said to Everett.

Shuri walked back to her work. She laughed a little. She picked up a small ball. Something began to form. She held up her finger at the group to tell them not to talk.

Everett and Olivia approached Shuri. Okoye was what formed.

"Where is T'Challa?" Okoye asked. "His Kamoya beads have been switched off."

"Well, we are not joined at the hip, Okoye," Shuri said.

"A man showed at the border who claims to have killed Klaw," Okoye said.

"What?" Shuri asked.

Dylan and Ella looked at Everett and Olivia. Olivia gave them a look.

"W'Kabi is transporting him as we speak," Okoye said.

"An outsider?" Shuri said.

"No, a Wakandan," Okoye said.

A picture of the man appears.

"That's not an outsider," Olivia said.

"He's one of ours," Everett said.

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