Chapter 7

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(This is what happened to Mina. Let's time travel. Yay! 😊)

~Mina's POV

After Red bid his goodbye, I lingered a little longer at school to finish my homework. Weekends were for rest, not studying. Once my work was done, I headed to my locker to stash away unnecessary items.

While organizing my belongings, I felt a force pushing me, causing me to land unceremoniously on my butt. "Ouch! Why'd you do that for?" I shouted at the person. "You still got the guts to yell, huh? You're really a feisty nerd," came the mocking voice. I recognized it immediately – those Amoebas were back. "Your knight in shining armor won't come and save you now," Krista taunted. I was surrounded.

"What do you guys want?" I spoke defiantly, suppressing my fear. "So, you're really brave, huh? Let's see what your bravery can do. Let's see where it can get you," Jane sneered. My heart raced with fear. He wasn't here. He couldn't help me now. Red, where are you?

They dragged me out of the locker room. No one was in sight. Five hours had passed since dismissal. "Hey! Why the heck are you guys picking on me? What did I do?" I demanded answers. "What did you do?! You stole Red from me! He is mine!" Jane screamed, holding my wrist tightly. "Is he even yours to begin with?" I retorted, risking escalation.

"You take that back!" she snapped, twisting my wrist. "Why would I?" I spat. "I'll make you regret every single word you've said!" Jane vowed and slapped me, her minions grabbing my hair.

Overpowered and outnumbered, I felt the pain of their blows. Three against one. No one could save me. Nobody was around, and it was not surprising after five hours past dismissal. They pulled my hair, my head jerked from left to right, the pain unbearable. I was in agony, but I held back my tears. I wasn't going to give them the satisfaction.

Bruised all over, they finally stopped, leaving me battered. "That serves you right. Hahaha!" Jane jeered before departing. My body ached, my head spinning.

He never came. The one who always saved me, who'd rescued me countless times, was nowhere to be found. Tears streamed down my face uncontrollably. In that moment, everything started to blur, and soon everything went black.

When I regained consciousness, someone held me in their arms. "Hey, wake up!" It was him. I thought he'd never come to help me. "They did-di..." I didn't get to finish my sentence; tears began to fall. "Shh... It's okay, I'm here now," Red's soothing voice assured me. He comforted me, assuring me I was safe now that he was here.

Suddenly, I felt him lifting me. He was taking me somewhere. My vision was still blurry. "Should I bring you home, Gianne?" he asked. "No, my sister will freak out," I weakly replied, knowing her penchant for drawing conclusions and blaming him first. "Alright, I'll just bring you to the hospital then." Did I hear him right? To the hospital? No, no, and definitely no. I wasn't a coward scared of needles or blood, but hospitals just didn't sit right with me. "No, don't. I'm scared of hospitals," I whispered weakly.

I had no idea how we got out of the school or where he came from. He hailed a taxi, and though I heard Red talking to the driver, I couldn't comprehend their words. Tiredness enveloped me, and I surrendered to the embrace of sleep, resting my head on Red's shoulder.

To be  continued.....


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~PinkBallpen 💗

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