Chapter 10

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Paige and I still aren't talking and now I have to attend dinner with Harry's family. My first week with freedom defiantly went a lot different than I thought it was going to be. Thankfully my parents decided to join us. At least all of the attention won't be on me.

Harry was going to arrive with his parents and I with mine. I was currently sitting in the back seat with my parents in the front as some old music hummed through the speakers of the car. I was just playing some game on my phone that seemed to occupy me at the moment.

I scratched my shoulder for what seemed like the millionth time since I put on this dress. My shoulder was probably red as hell. This dress was so uncomfortable but my mother insisted that I wear it. It was really starting to annoy me at this point.

We finally arrived at the restaurant. My mother was fixing my father's tie as I walked past them. I walked straight up to the host. "How many are in your party?" He asked with a smile.

"I believe that my party has already arrived. The name is Styles." I replied.

"Ah, right this way." He said guiding my parents and I to the table. I took a seat next to Harry.

"Well, don't you look beautiful." He whispered into my ear.

"Thanks, I just wish I didn't have the urge to rip my dress off," I whispered back.

"That can be arranged." He replied. I smacked his arm.

"I meant that the dress was uncomfortable you perv," I replied.

"I know beautiful, but you can't blame me for trying." He smiled. I shook my head.

"So Harry, are you going to introduce us?" His mother I'm assuming asked.

"Yes, sorry. This is Riley." He said gesturing to me. "And these are her parents Mary and John."

"It's nice to see you again Anne." My mother smiled. Anne smiled back.

"It's nice to meet you Riley. I'm Anne, and this is my husband Robin and my daughter Gemma." She said.

"Hello," I replied. Thank goodness this awkward conversation was cut short because the waitress arrived. Our waitress asked what we would like to drink. Once she took our orders she walked away. 

"Riley," Harry said lightly pushing my arm. I hummed. "Your mother was talking about us having children." I looked at him as if he was crazy.

"I'm just hoping that they push them out sooner than later. Because I'm not getting any younger." She laughed.

"I wouldn't get your hopes up mother," I replied. She looked annoyed and I definitely was going to hear about this when we got home. 

"What do you mean by that?" She asked.

"I don't even know if I want to have children." I replied.

"Of course you do Riley." She waved off. I'm not old enough to have children and after eighteen years of living, I don't even know if I want to bring children into this world.

"I'm telling you I'm not sure," I replied. She was really starting to anger me. She was the one that chose when I'm getting married. She doesn't get to decide when or if I have children. It's my body my choice.

"Well, that's not up to just you. What if Harry wants children?"

"Well, it's not his body to decide whether we have children or not," I replied.

"How do you feel about this Harry?" My mother asked.

"Well, I mean I would love to have children." I cut him off.

"If Harry can't respect my decisions maybe we shouldn't be getting married," I stated. Everyone's faces stared at me in shock. I was never going to hear the end of this from my mother. She's probably going to drone on for the next century about how I embarrassed her and this family.

"I agree with Riley. She's at a delicate stage in her life right now. She wants to be free to make her own decisions. It's also her body she should be able to decide what happens to it." Gemma said. I mouthed thank you to her. For once people were starting to see it my way.

If this whole marriage thing doesn't work out with Harry I would love to still have Gemma. I see a beautiful friendship beginning to blossom before my eyes.

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