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I attended the rest of my classes, staying silent and hidden. Like always, hood up and covering my face. I kept glancing up at the clock, fearing every minute that went by. My knee bouncing up and down, nervously. I was beyond nervous, I have never missed this many classes before. I really am hoping that my father isn't home. If he were I don't know what I would do. Well I know what the end result would be but..... It really depends on how he comes home.

The bell rang and I jumped out of my seat and ran out of the classroom. I quickly grabbed my stuff and booked it out of the school. I bumped into a few people but ignored them and continued running. I have to beat him home. He mustn't know about my classes.

I ran past Nala's house. I'm so close, I pushed myself to run faster. Once I reached my block I saw my father's car in the driveway and I let my whole body go limp. Fucking fantastic. Well, tomorrow I will not be attending school.

I stalked my way up to the house. When I reached the porch his hand reached out and grabbed a fist-full of my hair causing me to yelp out in pain. He threw me to the ground as my body screamed in agony. I bit my lip to silence my screams. He kicked me in the ribs, managing to break probably 3. My body curled into a ball trying to limit the amount of damage that he can do. His hand grasped a hold of my hair again and he pulled me up to my feet. 

"Where you whoring around again? Is that why you skipped school you slut?" He seethed.

I just bit my lip. Pain was coursing through my body. I wanted to scream at him, I wanted him to feel the pain that I have felt, I want him to suffer the way that I do.

"Answer me bitch!" He yelled.

I flinched away from him causing a smirk to appear on his face. He pulled my hair harder and shook my head, ripping out a handful of my hair before he slapped me across my face, sending me to the ground. I let a yelp escape my lips and he grinned and began to punch me. Anywhere he could hit me he did.

I used my arms to cover my head so I wouldn't have any head trauma. He pulled me up by my hair again and put his hands around my throat. His hold tightened squeezing my airway. He pushed my body against the wall, making my head slam into it causing my vision to blur a little. My hands began clawing at his, trying to let some air back into my lungs.

"ANSWER ME BITCH!" He yelled even louder.

I could feel myself getting light headed. I was gasping for any air I could get, but his grip kept tightening more and more. My vision going in and out. 

"I'm going to finally do what I should have done from the start you little bitch." He said.

He was going to kill me. He was actually going to kill his own flesh and blood. I never thought he would take it this far. I mean it's better that I die this way rather than killing myself, right?

My father's grip tightened and black started to invade my eyes. This was it. My father was going to kill me. Now I can finally get out of this hell hole, from the world of darkness, into the light.


I woke up on the cold wooden floor. I tried to stand up but I couldn't. He didn't kill me. Dammit. I sat up against the wall. A pierce of pain shot through my body. The main source of pain was my ribs. I ran my hand over them and could feel the broken bones. I mean there isn't much of anything there for me to feel besides my bones. 

I managed to make it upstairs and into my room. It took me forever and each step caused all of my wounds to expand, but I needed to get do something about them before they get worse.

I went into my bathroom and took out my first-aid kit and lifted my hoodie off to look at my body. There were multiple bruises all around my stomach and ribs. I had a gash on my lip from him slapping me. My scalp was burning from him gripping my hair. But the most visible one yet was the huge black and blue ring around my neck from him choking me.

I traced the scars that he had previously left me. The most prominent one went from under my arm all the way to my stomach. That was the 1st time he had cut me. He broke a beer bottle and picked up the largest shard and sliced me with it. It was a total of 32 stitches. And let me tell you it hurt like a bitch to put them in.

I began cleaning my cuts and wrapped my ribs to try to get them to heal faster. I stitch up a cut that had reopened. Once everything was either cleaned or bandaged I put my sweatshirt back on and went to bed. It was already 2 in the morning and I only had 3 hours to sleep before I had to get ready for school.

My eyelids began to get heavy and I prepared myself for a nightmare filled sleep.


I woke up with sweat dripping down my forehead. Pain shot through my ribs making me shoot my hand there trying to soothe the pain. I wipe the sweat off of my forehead and lay back down. I remember the nightmare that I had. Those evil black eyes. The smirk that was present on his face.

I looked at my nightstand to see that it was only 4. I know that I am not going to fall asleep again, might as well get ready. I slowly got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. I took off my hoodie and looked at the mirror. Some of the bandages had blood that bled through. I took off the bandages and cleaned my cuts. I hopped in the shower to wash away any sweat and cleaned my hair and body and then got back out.

I wrapped the towel around my thin body and went to my closet and pulled out a black bra and panties. I slid those on and grabbed a pair of dark jeans. I went back into the bathroom and re-wrapped my wounds. After I was finished I put my pants on along with one of my black hoodies, making sure that my hood was secure on my head and not showing my face.

I quietly made my way downstairs and out the door before my dad woke up. 


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