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Bailey's P.O.V

Duke ran over to the bed and jumped on top of Jax making him groan and wake up. I had been in his arms for a while now. He wouldn't let me go. He pulled me closer to him and snuggled into my neck.

I giggled and tried to push him off me. He groaned again and grabbed me tighter.

"Jax." I groaned.


"Let me go."

"Let me think...... No." He said pulling me even tighter to him.

I sighed and snuggled into him. Duke went by our feet and laid between them. I giggled because he was trying to get close to us. He perked his ears up when he heard my laugh. His tail began to wag and he army crawled up towards our heads. Jax groaned and put his leg up so he couldn't come up by us. I laughed and slapped his arm.

"You're so mean!"

He chuckled and pulled away from me to look at the dog. He made a little spot in between us for Duke. He patted the spot and Duke ran right to the spot and laid down. I giggled and rubbed his stomach. Jax was staring at me the whole time.

"Stop staring!" I said giggling.

"I can't. You are just to beautiful for me to look away." He said smiling at me.

I hid my face behind Duke. He chuckled and pet Duke. I decided to get up. I walked towards the bathroom.

"I'm gonna take a shower." I told him.

"I could help, if you know what I mean." He said smirking.

"Jax!" I yelled and walked into the bathroom making sure to lock the door.

I undressed and got in the shower. I was humming to a song that I had heard yesterday. I suddenly heard someone else also humming it.

"I like that song baby girl." Jax said.

"JAX GET OUT!" I yelled holding my boobs like he could see me.

He chuckled. I didn't hear the door open or close so I assumed he was still in here. I pulled back the curtain a little and stuck my head out. He was sitting on the counter with a smirk.

"Really?" I asked annoyed.

"Yup! I just love being close to you baby girl." He said smirking.

"This is to close."

"We could be closer." The smirk on his face got wider.

"You are disgusting." I said closing the curtain again.

I finished showering. I mean I didn't mind him being in here but it was awkward. Like there was only a curtain between my nakedness and his clothed self. I shut off the water and reached for my towel. As soon as I wrapped it around my body I stepped out.

He was still sitting on the counter. A big smirk etched on his face. I gave him a playful glare. His smirk grew. I walked out and to the closet. I grabbed some clothes and went back in there. He was still sitting there on the counter.

"Hey baby girl." He said.

"Get out Jax." I complained.


"Cause I have to get dressed as you can see."

"I mean you don't have to get dressed. No one is forcing you."

"Oh so you want me to walk around down where all of the guy are, naked. Let them all see me?" I asked smirking.

His eyes widened and he hopped off the counter. He walked over to me.

"On second thought. How about you change." He said and kissed the top of my head.

I giggled and he left the room closing the door on the way out. I quickly got dressed and walked back out. Jax was laying on his stomach on top of the bed. I smirked and jumped on top of him. My legs straddling his butt.

"What are you doing baby girl?" He asked.

"Sitting on you."

I leaned down making my whole body fall on his. He groaned and completely laid down on the bed. I giggled and hugged him. He rolled on his side making me fall with him. He got up and laid on me. This time my back was on my bed. He smirked and laid on top of me.

"Jesus Jax. You weigh a billion pounds!" I giggled

"Hey. I do not!" He said defensively.

"Whatever you say." I said smirking.

He groaned and tickled me. I began laughing uncontrollably. He chuckled and kissed my lips. Duke nudged his head at ours. I giggled. He's always wanting some kisses too.

We got up and headed downstairs. Jax grabbed my ass when we reached the last step. I squeaked and gave him a glare. He chuckled and gave me a smirk.

"Sorry my hand has a mind of its own sometimes."

I showed him my middle finger. I looked at it fake shock.

"Oh my god! I guess mine does too." I said sarcastically.

He chuckled and pulled me into a hug. I giggled and hugged him back. His mom looked at us from the kitchen. She had a smile on her face. I don't know why she is so happy about her son dating a girl that is living with him. I mean I would not even let my son have a girl in his room until he is in like college.

Jax kissed the top of my head. I looked up at him and saw that he was smiling at me. I gave him a smile. He kissed my fore head then my cheeks, my chin, my nose, and then finally my lips. It was a long passionate kiss.

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