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Jax's P.O.V.

The rest of the afternoon we all just hung out around the house. Danny kept throwing digs my way about that stupid daddy thing. I mean I don't even fully understand it myself. Clearly Danny knows enough about it.

"Bailey. Please say daddy!" Danny complained staring at her. 

She shook her head in his direction. Danny groaned and slid off the couch in complaint. He crawled over to her and put his hands on her legs and began looking up at her with puppy dog eyes. Ah fuck! No one can resist them. Hell he got every guy to let him feel their abs one time. Those damn puppy dog eyes will suck for whoever he goes out with.

She pushed him off her knees and leaned back into me. I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her waist. Danny jumped up on the couch and put his head on my shoulder.

"Jax, Bailey won't say daddy to you." He complained.

"And?" I asked.

He acts like this all the time. I'm pretty sure he is like a horny 2 year old. He grabbed my upper arm and looked into my eyes. "Does that mean I get to feel your dick?" He said happily.

"What the hell Danny. No." He pouted and sat back down still holding onto my upper arm. He looked back to me staring me into the eyes. He gave me the saddest puppy dog eyes I've every seen. I groaned and looked away. He grabbed my face and made me stare at his eyes.

"Danny, not the puppy dog eyes." I complained.

"Please?" He said trailing his hand up my thigh. I jumped away from him pulling Bailey up with me.

"No. Danny you need to find some gay guy to do that shit with." I said backing away.

"Dammit." He groaned.

Bailey busted out laughing. I looked at her in my arms. She was looking between Danny and I.

"I think you'd make a great gay couple." She said smirking. I sent a fake glare her way. Danny cheered and ran towards us. He jumped on my back and kissed my neck. I shivered in disgust, guys are definitely not my thing besides, Bailey's kisses are way better.

"I say we have a threesome. How about you Bailey?" Danny said.

I tried to shrug off Danny but he wouldn't let go. I walked back to the couch and went to sit down. Danny still didn't let go. I sat on top of his lap since I couldn't really sit down any other way. I pulled Bailey right down with me.

"See.... This works out. I'll get Jax and Jax gets Bailey. Perfect." Danny said.

I tried to move away but he wouldn't let go. I groaned and pulled his grip off of my shoulders. He grabbed my waist and pulled me back into him. He began grinding his dick into me. "Jesus Danny. If you are that desperate I'll hook you up with someone tomorrow." I said.

I finally got out of his hold and he groaned. I pulled Bailey with me to a chair so no one else could sit with us. She straddled my lap. She put her face on my shoulder facing my neck. Her arms wrapped around my waist. I wrapped my arms around her waist making sure that she was close to me.

"You guys are killing me! I'm gonna go find a guy to either fuck or make my boyfriend. Bye!" Danny said leaving.

Bear jumped up on the couch where Danny was sitting. He cuddled into the blanket and looked over at me. It was like he was staring me in the eyes. He's like a little soul searcher. Bailey's breathing became slower and I could feel her puffs of air on my neck. I smiled and snuggled my face into her. She cuddled closer to me and fell asleep.

"Hey we are gonna head out too Jax. I have an assignment due tomorrow." Grace said.

I nodded and waved goodbye to her. Drake got up to leave with her. Have an assignment due my ass. More like 'studying'. Kev and Stella got up. "Hey, we are also gonna head out, but not make up that I have an assignment due." Kev said.

I chuckled and nodded. They walked out the door. It was just my baby girl and me. And Bear. He looked at me and then at Bailey. I carefully stood up carefully balancing her in my arms and walked upstairs. Bear was tailing behind me. I went into my room and gently laid her down on the bed and tucked her under the blankets. I took off my shirt and got under the blankets pulling Bailey to my chest. 

Why does this girl have to be so perfect? I haven't even seen her yet and she is the only thing that I can see. Every thing about her just attracts me. I want to hear all of her stories. I want to know about he life. I want to help her get through whatever she's going through. She is so perfect and I want to keep her this way. I could care less about what she looks like underneath that hoodie of hers. Her personality, even if it's only shown once in a while, can light up the whole room and bring anyone feeling down to an instant high. 

Her tiny snores are so cute. I just want to squeeze her so tight. She is probably the best thing that has come into my life for some time now, I mean my mother likes her otherwise she probably wouldn't be living in my house. I know it hasn't even been that long but I really do think I'm beginning to like Bailey, like really like her.

She snuggled her head in-between my shoulder and my head. Her breaths on my neck sent a shiver down my body. And this time, unlike Danny's, it was a good shiver. My eyes began to droop and my body relaxed as I snuggled into Bailey. 

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