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Bailey's P.O.V.

It is official, I have spoken my first words to Jax. I haven't talked in forever. You can't imagine how weird it was for me to say something, it was like my body was taking on an entirely new task and it was my first time talking again. It almost felt like I needed to relearn how to speak normally. With just those simple words it caused my throat to burn in irritation, making me instantly regret it. 

The doctor had came back into my room and explained how they were going to have to keep me there for a few days just to make sure that everything was safe and that I hadn't sustained any more internal damage that they may have missed. It proved to be a long couple days, spending a week in a boring old hospital room gets really boring really fast. Everyone came to visit me whenever they could, even Max, who was still stuck at the hospital with his mother who was fighting cancer, he usually spent the whole day with me until Jax came back. Everyone usually came after school and would all pile the stacks of homework that I've missed onto the little table next to the bed. It was nice to know that they all somewhat cared about me, enough to visit me when I know they could be doing better things. 

And then there was Jax. He only went to school when his mother forced him out of my hospital room, otherwise I don't think he would have left my side. As soon as school would be let out he would quickly make his way over here and would spend the night there with me until his mom kicked him out to go home and get ready for school.  And soon enough my release papers were signed and I was finally able to get out of that boring hospital room.

On the way home we passed my house, nothing had changed since I left, it was still old and rundown looking as ever. My mind flashed to the image of my father's face as he stabbed, an image that will forever be engraved in my mind. The look of hate and disappointment laced behind his eyes leaving an unwanted imprint in my head. His eyes somehow knowing exactly where mine were even with my hoodie on to cover my face. My father hasn't seen my face since I was in 6th grade, that was when I had first decided to wear a hoodie, also the first time my father laid his hands on me. Just imagine a father not knowing what his own daughter actually looks like. 

We pulled into the drive way and the car came to a stop. Jax quickly jumped out of the car and ran to my side, pulling my door open. His arm gently reached around me and unbuckled me before he gently picked me up in his arms and began to carry me inside. "You do know that I can unbuckle myself and walk on my own right?" I said playfully looking up at him. 

"Yes, but the doctors did say to take it easy for a few more days, and that certain movements could cause the stitching to come apart." 

I just rolled my eyes and smiled as I leaned against his chest. His arms resting under my thighs and my upper back. I felt safe in his arms, the feeling of protection engulfing me in security. He walked us up to the front step and into the house. He immediately went to the couch and laid me down on my back and then worked his way between my legs on top of me.

A smile overtook my face as I reached my hand down and began to play with his hair. His hair was like heaven on earth, just the feeling of it slipping through your fingers, the softness of it was like patting a fluffy cloud. The door was opened and everyone piled through and headed towards the living room. I actually forgot that they followed behind us. 

"Really? You're not even home 2 minutes and you are already lovey-dovey?" Stella groaned plopping down on the chair across from us. 

"Honestly. Ew. Would you guys just date already? You clearly like each other." One of them complained.

"Your just jealous that you don't cuddle as much as us." Jax gleamed while smothering his face in my chest. 

Everyone let out an annoyed groan and sat down around the room. Bear had run down from upstairs and had marked his spot on the back of Jax's legs, firmly snuggled in between them. We all agreed on a movie and began to watch it, kind of like a welcome back party for me. It was really nice to see that all of these people still wanted to be my friend even when they found out about my father. Hell if I was them I would have ran away as fast as I fucking could. 

Amanda walked in the door shortly after the movie started and sat down in front of me, "Hey sweetheart. How are you feeling?" 

I just shrugged in response, I didn't have any paper around to write her an actual answer. She smiled at me and grabbed my hand. "You are one strong girl hun. Now don't get to comfortable with him, he could manage to pull out the stitches. And if you wanna talk about what happened, I'm always here for you sweetie."

I nodded at her with a smile on my face. I don't know how she can be so welcoming to a complete stranger. How she can just welcome a random person into her home to stay as long as she needed to. She is a very unique and kind lady. She gave my arm a little squeeze and got up. She went to the kitchen and less then 5 minutes later I could smell the popcorn. She is the best. She came back out and set the popcorn on the coffee table. "If you guys need me, I'm going to be doing some work up in my room."

Everyone mumbled out an answer around 'ok' or 'cool' while their mouths were stuffed with popcorn, I smiled and waved to her. Jax grumbled and grabbed my arm and put it back on his hair, "Keep doing that." 

I laughed and went back to running my fingers through his hair. Amanda let out a sigh shaking her head, "That boy I tell ya. So demanding." I smiled and continued watching the movie while running my fingers through Jax's hair. Every one was cuddled together and Danny even had his partner. The popcorn bowl.

As the movie was finishing my eyes were getting droopy. I looked down at Jax only to see that he was already asleep, I smiled and continued running my fingers through his hair. He cuddled into me while he was sleeping. His face scrunched up, I smiled at how cute he looked right now. My fingers played with the little hairs behind his head, causing him to slightly stir awake. He moved farther up on my body and placed his head in my hood and began leaving tired sloppy kisses on my neck. 

"God dammit will you guys just give it a break for once." Kev complained throwing a piece of popcorn at him playfully. 

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