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Jax's P.O.V.

It has been 3 weeks already. Almost a month without my baby girl. I can't imagine the inhumane things that man is doing to her. I haven't been able to function without her. I haven't eaten much and I haven't slept. Hell I haven't even taken a shower. God I stink. But I must find her. I will do anything to make sure she is safe again.

My mother entered my room. Everything in my room was a mess. I had a laptop out looking over where she could be. I had my phone next to me incase someone called with news. My mom looked at me and frowned.

"Please eat something and get some rest hun." She said.

"Mom I need to find her. There isn't time for that." I said angry.

"You aren't the only one looking for her. The police have been doing the best they can. They will continue working on it, but you have to take care of yourself. It tears me apart to see you like this."

"I know mom....... but I need to find her."

"Do you think she wants you to find her when you smell like a dead skunk? Or when you look like a skeleton from not eating? Or how you look like a zombie with you pale skin and bags?"

"Fine. But once I am done with the shower and eating, I want you to make sure I am up after 30 minutes of sleeping."

"Ok. Now get in the shower you are gonna kill me with that stench." She chuckled.

I nodded and went into my bathroom. I stripped of my clothes and jumped in the shower. It felt so nice to take a shower. The warm water flowing down my back. It seemed to ease all of my muscles. I washed my hair, well multiple times, I did the same with my body. I made sure I smelt human again.

I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked out. My mother handed me some clothes. It was most likely the only clean clothes I had. I waited until she left to change. Once I was done she came back in holding a tray of food. It smelt so good. I sat on my bed and wolfed down the food. She picked up a few things off my floor and took them out of my room. Duke walked into my room. He got up on the bed and sat next to me.

He had a sad look in his eyes. I knew how he felt. I set the empty tray to the side and decided to lay down. Duke laid next to me.

"We are gonna find her buddy. I promise." I said kissing his head.


Baily's P.O.V.

I don't even know how long I have been stuck here with this monster. All I know is that I have given up hope. Every night I spend here praying that someone will find me, that someone will rescue me. It clearly hasn't worked. I gave in to my father. I have learned to accept what he gives me. Granted I can't really tell anymore.

I have become numb. I am imune to all pain now. He has beaten and cut me to the point where I don't know if I can feel anything anymore. I am so weak that I can't even lift my head. Sometimes I can't even open my eyes.

"Awww my little whore is being good. Maybe we could clean you up for a bit." He said sickly.

I couldn't go against it though. God knows I was to weak to try. He laughed his evil laugh and untied me from the chair. He roughly picked me up and dragged me out of the room. He entered another one and lifted me up and put me in a tub.

He began to fill it and wash my body. It felt sick. Although I couldn't feel his hands on my body, I knew they were their and I made me want to puke. I don't know how someone could be so sick in the head to do something like this, to their flesh and blood none the less.

He began to wash my hair. He had a smile on his face. A genuine smile. It reminded me of him before he turned into this monster. He washed my hair again and then pulled me out of the tub. He dried me off and brought me to another room.

He placed me down on a bed and went into what I was guessing, a closet. He came back out holding some clothes. He began to dress me in the clothing. I was confused as to why he was acting like this and not hurting me. To be honest it kinda scared me more.

He laid me down in the bed and covered me with the blanket.

"Now get some rest. We have a whole day ahead of us." He said with his sick smile again.

I felt a single tear slide down my face and hit the pillow. His evil chuckle echoed throughout the room. Fear surrounded me. Although I knew it was a bad idea to fall asleep, but my body went against me and took over. I felt my eyelids begin to droop before all I could see and feel was a dark nothingness.

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