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Jax's P.O.V

I would love to have many babies with Bailey. She is so perfect who wouldn't want to. Plus our babies would be supper cute. I'm thinking about 2 or 3 depending on the gender. If there isn't at least one boy. I will keep going until I get what I want. Then again have a little princess to spoil would be nice too.

I sat next to my baby girl thinking about our future. She is my life saver, she got me out of that bitchy slump and made me focus on her. She is the only thing I see now. I couldn't even imagine where I would be if she hadn't passed out that day. If my mom wouldn't have said that she would be staying for a while.

She adds that little bit of excitement in my life to make me want to live my fullest. She makes life interesting for me. I love being around her. Even if she always wears a hoodie, she trusted me enough to show me her, and all of her scars.

I pulled her to me and kissed her head. She giggled and kissed my chin. I let out a chuckle causing her to blush. I love it when she blushes. It just shows how innocent she still is. Even with what her father did to her. There are just certain things that she does that I love. Like when she bites her lip when she wants to say something but doesn't, or when she will try to keep her eyes open when she's tired. She is just so cute.

"You are so cute baby girl." I whispered and kissed her head again.

She smiled at me. I pulled her on to my lap. Her legs wrapped around my waist. My lips attached to her neck and she put her head to the side. I smirked and kissed up and down her neck. I went up her jaw and nibbled on her earlobe. She let out a soft moan. I trailed back down and latched my lips to her collar bone. She let out a moan again this time more prominent.

I smirked and continued sucking there. She raked her hands down my chest stopping at my abs. Her fingers traced the indents of them. I let out a low moan loving the feeling of her hands. She giggled and lifted the bottom of my shirt making contact with my skin. Fire spread throughout my body as she began tracing my abs again.

My mom walked in and cleared her throat. My mom is such a cock-blocker. She smirked at me and my little friend that had sprouted. I groaned and used Bailey to cover it up. I made her sit directly on it making her gasp.

"Alright. I lied. Do that when I'm not in the house. I would rather not hear that while I'm working." She said and walked out.

I kissed back up Baileys neck and she groaned. Her hips began moving against mine. I groaned and held them still. She let out a whimper trying to continue.

"If you keep doing that baby girl I am not going to be able to stop." I said.

She sighed and got off me. I chuckled and pulled her back on my lap. I kissed her laid down with her. She snuggled into my chest and began to dose off. I watched her as her eyes began to close.

"You know staring at people is rude, right?" She mumbled.

I let out a chuckled and hugged her close to me. She giggled and snuggled her head in between my shoulder and my head. Her breath fanning against my neck. She gave it a kiss.

"Baby girl." I warned.

"What?" She asked innocently.

"Don't play that card."

"I don't know what you are talking about Jax." She said smirking up to me.

"I wouldn't start this game if I were you baby girl." I said.

She put out her bottom lip and gave me a fake pout. I chuckled and pecked her lips. She didn't stop pouting so I squeezed her thigh. She didn't stop again.

"Baby girl if you don't turn that pout into a smile real fast I will do it for you." I said smirking.

She didn't do anything. I quickly flipped us around and trapped her under me. She let out a screech. My hands met her sides and my fingers began to wiggle. She busted out laughing as my fingers tickled her. She giggled and tried to fight me off.

"What do you say baby girl?" I asked still tickling her.

"I-I don't know. W-what do I s-say Jax?" She asked while laughing.

I didn't stop tickling her and she busted out laughing again. It went on for a solid 5 minutes. She wouldn't answer the question.

"Alright! Aright! I'm gonna pee." She said breathlessly.

"What do you say baby girl?" I asked.

"I'm sorry for pouting." She said smirking.

I nodded and let her go. She giggled and snuggled into my side again.

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