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Jax's P.O.V

As I walked back downstairs my mother was on the couch with Bear eating some pizza. I plopped down next to her and looked up seeing her wide smile as she watched the dog playfully. 

"What?" She asked.

"You just haven't smiled like this since dad left." I said with a soft look in my eyes.

"I know honey babe. But today is one of the best days. You got a puppy, and you found your girl." She said.

"What are you talking about I found my girl?" 

"You have never brought anyone home, and you haven't let anyone in your room except me in a long time."

I just shrugged. It's true. I don't like people being in my room. Never have. When I was little I would only let my mom and dad come into my room. No cousins or aunts and uncles. I felt like it was an invasion of privacy even at like 6. 

"I'm happy for you hun." She said patting my leg and began to stand up. 

"So what happened that Bailey passed out?" I asked.

Her posture stiffened at my words making me curious as to what happened. "I'm just going to say that there is a reason that she always wears that hoodie, but it's not my place to tell. By the way, she is going to stay with us for a while." 

"What!?" I yelled.

"You heard me! Now get to bed." She said.

I sighed and headed up to my room its a good thing there is a nice couch in my room. I changed into some pajamas and got some spare blankets. I laid one on the couch and tried to get as comfortable as possible. Bear jumped up on the bed with Bailey, he started sniffing her and then finally laid next to her.


I woke up to my alarm going off, my eyes widen remembering that Bailey was in here and ran over quickly shut it off hoping not to wake her. She looked so peaceful in her sleep, even if she had her hood on, she seemed to be at ease. Bear looked up at me, he had wiggled his way in between her arms last night. Little turd. I puffed out a laugh and shook my head before changing into some school appropriate clothes.

The smell of my mom's homemade pancakes had me jogging down the stairs, Bear's little paws running down after me. His speed was a little to much for him so he tumbled down the last step and ran right into my mom.

"She up yet?" My mom asked smiling down at Bear patting his head. 

"No. Are you sure she is okay. I feel like she should have woke up." 

"Hun it's okay. She's going to be fine, she just needs to rest up for a day or two and then she can be back on her feet." 

"Oh." My voice laced with a little bit of worry. 

"By the way. I can call the school and say that you are sick too if you want." She said smirking.

"Do you even have to ask!" I said happily.

I ran back upstairs and changed into some grey sweatpants and a tight-ish black short sleeve shirt. As I made my way back downstairs I heard a noise come from my room. My head twisted back to my door and my mom looked at me from the bottom step.

"Was that you?" She asked.

"Nope." I said.

She quickly ran up the stairs. I followed behind her and waited as she knocked on the door and slowly opened it. Bailey was sitting up on my bed with her knees pulled to her chest as she rocked herself back and forth.

"Hey. It's okay darling." My mom slowly made her way over to her. 

I stood in the door and watched my mom calm her down. She was very tense and was looking all around my room. Her hood pointed in my direction at she jumped. 

"Hey, it's okay sweetheart. You don't have to worry. Everything is going to be fine. Hey, look at me. Everything's okay. You are safe here." My mom said.

Bailey was still tense but wasn't as nervous. She looked over to me and back at my mom. She shook her head and got out of the bed. I went to help her but she backed away from me. My mom tried to help her but she backed up into the corner. Her hand was clenching and unclenching. I grabbed a notebook and pen and handed it to her. She grabbed it and quickly wrote something down.

Why am I here? What happened?

She pushed it into my hands. I handed it to my mom for her to read.

"You passed out in class. I brought you to my house because my mom was a nurse. She helped you." I said.

Her body started to shake after hearing my words and she began to rock herself again. 

"Darling. Don't worry. Everything is going to be okay now. I know what happened, just lay back down on the bed and rest. We can talk about it later today." My mom said.

She cautiously nodded and began walking over to the bed. Suddenly Bear came running into the room causing Bailey to jump and covered her head. Bear nuzzled into her legs causing her to to look up at him. 

He barked at her and she slowly uncovered her head and eased into the dog. She got onto the bed, Bear following her, as she began petting him. Little shit is stealing my girl

"You are in good hands sweetheart. If there is anything you need or want, just ask me okay, I will be right here." My mom said with a soft look on her face. 

As she got up and left the room I sat on the bed next to Bailey. She scooted closer to the edge and she looked at Bear. I reached out to pet him and she flinched away.

"Hey. What's wrong?" I asked not understanding why she flinched.

Her body stiffened and her head went down before she shook it and continued petting Bear. I moved a little closer and began to pet him with her. Her eyes never once moving from his soft fur. That damn dog. 


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