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Bailey's P.O.V

I didn't really quite understand why I was at his place. I mean it's not like I talk to him. I don't talk to anyone. I just don't understand. No one really likes me, so why would he bring me to his house? Let alone let me lay in his bed. He slept on the goddamn couch.

I let out a sigh and pet the puppy. I use to have a puppy, but my dad said that he was going to take it to the shelter a while ago. I never saw her again, although that was like 5 years ago. I cuddled into the puppy farther, it was the only thing that I would let get close to me. 

His mother came back into the room and came to sit on the bed next to me. "Hey hun, how are you holding up?" 

I just stared at her. Like something went off in her head, she jumped up making me flinch. She looked at me apologetically and walked over to Jax's desk. She grabbed a notebook and pencil and handed it to me. I wrote down 'Just confused' on it and handed it back to her.

"Yeah, I would be too. You just wake up in some random persons house, by the way my name is Amanda." She said smiling.

Some of my sleeve rolled up and you could see the bruises on my arms. She looked at them and her eyes saddened. I quickly moved to push my sleeve down but it sent a shock down to my ribs. I winced in pain but still pulled my sleeve down. 

"I promise you I won't let anyone hurt you again. You can stay here for as long as you want. You are going to stay here until those ribs of yours are healed." She said.

I grabbed the notebook and wrote something down. 'Did you take off my sweatshirt?' She read it and smiled.

"No I just lifted it. I didn't take it off your face, Jax had already warned me about it earlier."

I nodded and looked down at the dog. I pointed at it and she looked at me curiously.

"Oh, his name is Bear. Jax found him on the side of the road yesterday and picked him up and brought him home." She said.

I nodded again. She walked over to me and held my hand, her hand had a warm touch that made me feel a sense of comfort and warmth within. 

"Can I look at your ribs again?"

I was a little hesitant but eventually nodded. She lifted my hoodie a little making me flinch, I definitely wasn't use to this. She gently pulled it up to my chin and looked over my small body. Her hands lightly pushed against my skin feeling my ribs, it hurt but I just clenched my fists at the sides.

"So from what I can tell you have 3 broken ribs, you could have more, and you could have some internal bleeding. It would be best if you went to the hospital to see a doctor." She said.

I shook my head no as fast as I could. No doctors. They ask questions and I don't like to answer questions. She frowned at me but nodded her head in understanding.

"I'm going to run you a bath, I made some food downstairs, feel free to have some before you take your bath." She said.

I nodded yet again and she smiled. If I was truthfully honest, I was starving. I haven't eaten for a while. My skin is probably super pale because of my lack of food. I got out of Jax's bed and made my way downstairs, Bear following me. As I walked into the kitchen I saw Jax sitting at the counter shoving tons of pancakes into his mouth. I let out a giggle and grabbed one of the plates. I put on 1 pancake and sat down next to him. He had a smile on his face.

"So, did my mom tell you?" He aksed.

I just stared at him not knowing what he was talking about.

"So she didn't tell you that you would be staying here."

Oh. Well I mean she did but alright. He was smirking in my direction. I just continued eating my food. As I had finished I took my plate and put it in the sink. I made my way upstairs and into Jax's room. I walked into the bathroom and saw that his mom was filling it up. Once she saw me she smiled and pointed at the bath.

"There you go hun. If you need anything just holler." She said with a bright smile.

I nodded as she left the bathroom. I took off my clothes and stood in the mirror, my bruises were somewhat better, and some cuts were healed. I shook my hair and got into the bathtub. The water was nice and warm making my whole body unravel. I began to relax and let my worries wash away for the time being. 


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