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Jax's P.O.V

I stared at Bailey. It wasn't that creepy, but I just hate that she has that god damn hoodie up all the time. Doesn't she feel comfortable around us? I just don't understand I guess. What is the need to wear that hoodie? It's not like we are going to judge her based on her looks. I just don't get it.

"Would you quit staring at me." She groaned snuggling into me more.

"I just don't get it."

"Get what?" She asked groggily.

"What is with the hoodie? I mean you are comfortable enough to talk to us, but why can't you take that off too?" I asked.

I felt her whole body tense. I really don't understand. I just want to see her. I have gotten to know everything about her but what she looks like. I hate that she isn't comfortable enough with me to show me who she is.

"Because." She sighed.

"Because why?"


"As in....." I pressed.

"Just reasons Jax!" She yelled.

"Ok, ok. Sorry." I said.

She shook her head and pulled her hood farther down her face. I just want to see how beautiful she is. I know that she has to be beautiful. Her true self is beautiful, which automatically makes her beautiful. I really do wish she would just open up to me. I want her to trust me.

"Will you? Someday?" I asked.

"Maybe..... Someday." She said.

All of my friends are sleeping on the couches. I carried her up to my room last night. The couch was really uncomfortable. I gave Bailey a smile and picked her up. She giggled and wrapped her tiny hands around my neck. I carried her downstairs and to the living room. Everyone was passed out.

"You wanna wake them up?" I asked.

"I have the best idea." She said.


We had just finished filling up a crap load of water balloons. Why you may ask. Well my lovely friend in the hoodie here decided that she was going to wake them up by throwing tons of water balloons at them. Smart, but it took forever to fill up these god damn balloons.

I grabbed a couple in my arms and Bailey did the same. I looked over at her and she was looking at me. I mouthed to her, 'on the count of 3'.




We chucked the water balloons at them. Matt had woken up confused as hell. Once he figured out that he was wet he looked up at us. He glared at me and started to run at me. I chucked a few water balloons at him hopping it would slow him down. Bailey was still throwing them at the rest of the people on the couch. Stella had woken up and shook Kev awake. He sat up just as Bailey threw a balloon at his head. It broke and splashed all on top of his head.

Bailey and Stella busted out laughing. Kev was fuming. He quickly hopped up and started to storm off towards Bailey. I b-lined it over to her. Kev grabbed her arm and pulled her close to him. She didn't do anything. Her body was stiff. Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at them.

"What the hell is your problem?" Kev yelled.

Bailey stayed silent. Her body still stiff. I watched her the whole time. I could see Kev's hand tighten when she didn't answer him. She didn't do anything, no emotion was shown.

"I'll ask you again. What the hell is your problem?" Kev fumed.

I walked over to her and went to grab her away from him. He glanced at me and sent me a harsh glare. He was not a morning person.

"Kev let her go." I said.

"This isn't your business Jax, drop it." He said.

I grabbed his hand and went to pull it off of her arm. Stella ran over to him and grabbed his arm knowing that he would punch me. He melted into her touch. She was the only person that could calm him down when he got mad.

Bailey hadn't moved. She was staring at the ground. Her body wasn't moving. It made me really nervous. I gently touched her shoulder but she flinched away from me. Fuck.

"Hey. Bailey are you ok?" I asked.

She didn't say anything. She didn't move. God dammit Kev! I was getting somewhere with her and he had to fuck it all up. Great! She was frozen. I went to comfort her again but she flinched away. I let out a sigh. She looked around the room. She quickly ran upstairs and I heard my bedroom door slam. I let out a sigh of defeat. My fists clenched at my sides.

"God dammit Kev!" I yelled.

He was glaring at his lap. As soon as I yelled that his head shot up to me. He was shocked. There is only a few things worse then when Kevin is mad. And one of them happens to be when I'm mad. He knows not to cross paths with me when I am pissed off with him. He's done it before. I knocked him out one time because of it.

No one in the room moved. I glared at him with so much hatred. He knew that he shouldn't have done that. He knows that I am the leader of this group. And he God damn knows that if he can't respect that, that he will be on his own.

"I'm sorry man. You know that I can-"

"Don't play that god damn card Kevin. You know that you are suppose to respect me. And you know that you will respect, who and what I have as if they are or was me." I yelled.

He bowed his head like a puppy being yelled at. He knows when he crosses the line with me. And he fucking ran about a mile over it. I balled my hands into fists again. I sucked in a breath and let it out.

"You either learn to fucking respect who and what is mine, or you're gone." I yelled and walked up to my room.

The door was locked. I knocked on it. There was no response. I let out a sigh and sat down against the door. I leaned my head against the frame. What the hell did he do?

The Girl In The HoodieWhere stories live. Discover now