7//I Missed You.

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Chapter 7: I Missed You.

Song: Heroine by Marc E. Bassy


After making it back to my hotel room, Hayley immediately laid down on the bed and looked at me with tired eyes.

She looks so different than the girl I used to know. She's no longer the brown haired, bright eyed, wide smiling girl I used to know. Her hair is dark purple, her eyes are dull and dead, and I have yet to see her smile.

I say nothing as I sit next to her on the bed, lightly placing a hand on hers.

I want to say something, ask her how she's been and what's been going on. I want to know what's making her look so empty.

"Calum, what is it?"she sniffles and sits up. I blink out of my thoughts and realize I've been staring at her.

"I missed you."I whisper, slightly sounding like the young boy I once was. A small smile pulls on her lips. "I missed you too, Calum, you have no idea."she sighs out and lunges at me with her arms around my neck.

I smile at her warm embrace and slide my own arms around her small body. She smells strongly of lilies, hair dye, and tequila. I love it.

I've missed her midnight snuggles so much, I almost forgot what it's like.

My hands weave their way through her hair as I pull her closer, softly squeezing her. She snuggles her face into my neck and I can feel a smile on her lips. "I remember when we were like 10, you would play with my hair to help me fall asleep."she says softly in my ear.

My heart warms at the memory, and the fact that she remembers just as well as I do.

"I'm surprised you haven't asked me a thousand questions yet."she jokes. I smile and nod small, understanding.

I would ask her a thousand questions, but I don't want push it out of her. Not yet.

We separate from each other and I finally look at her face, seeing the girl she's grown into.

"I can't believe you're here,"she giggles out and adjusts herself so that she's sitting in front of me, criss crossing her legs. "When did you come?"

I swallow hard.

Just talk to her. Say words.

"Two days ago."I answer. She nods and smiles. "So, what have you been up to lately?"I finally spring the question. She stiffens up and looks away with a face full of regret.

"Nothing really, working on some new designs here and there. You?"she meets my gaze again.

She's not telling the whole truth.

"Music, I'm- uh- band."I sputter out. She smiles and laughs-

There she is. My smily girl.

"I don't listen to music much, but I might have heard of you guys. What're you called?"

"5 Seconds of Summer."

Her eyes widen and she shakes her head. "No, wait a sec- that's you?"

I nod with a large smile, feeling accomplished. "That's amazing, Calum! I'm so proud of you! Oh my God, I have to see you live one day."she gushes. I laugh lightly and nod. "Okay, Hayes."

Her smile dies down as she looks away. Her face gradually becomes more serious and it makes my heart drop.

What is she about to say?

"Calum, when I left Australia, I wanted to contact you, I really did."she starts and looks up at me.

"Then why didn't you?"

"Because I.... my mom and I.... we-"

I roll my eyes as she stumbles over her words for an explanation.

"I want to tell you but I don't know if I can, Calum, I'm sorry."she whispers as she begins to tear up. "I'm your best friend."the words slip from my mouth.

"I know, and I love you for being my best friend-"

My heart pounds against my chest as she says those words for some reason.

"-but it's something that I've had going on my whole life and I-I see it in my nightmares and I can't escape him! It's everywhere and it scares me-"

"Hayley, who did something? What did he do?"I stop her mid sentence and grab her hands in mine. Tears begin streaming down her cheeks for the second time tonight.

"H-He's a monster, he hurt me a-and I've been running from him my whole life! Calum, I-"

I quickly pull her into my arms and she buries her face in my chest. "Who, Hayes, who?"I ask quietly.

She looks up at me with uncertainty as her lip shakes. "Calum, can we talk about this in the morning?"she croaks. I sigh, seeing how broken she looks. I give in, nodding rapidly.

"Thank you... can you um, just be my friend?"she says the magic words and looks at me, on the verge of more tears. I nod, feeling sadness for the girl. I flick the light off and remove my pants and shirt, getting comfortable. She follows and removes her pants and her shirt.

She wear regular underwear and a bra with a t-shirt on top, thankfully.

We're comfortable seeing each other like this, nothing we haven't seen before.

I crawl into the bed with her and pull the thick blanket over us before I wrap my arms around her small body as I feel her snuggle backwards into my chest. "Comfortable?"I ask quietly. She nods.

I close my eyes and smile, finally feeling back at home. With my Hayley.

Drifting off into my slumber, I hear her mumble the words out;

"It's my father."




yes, it's her father. have you guys not noticed, she hasn't ever mentioned her father when talking about her mother and her moving? i mean yeah, the possibility of her father being dead could've been there bUT NO. the Monster, is the father.

calum never knew about her dad since he wasn't really around. when he was, calum didn't notice anything out of the ordinary.

hayley never told calum anything even though he was her best friend because she didn't want him to look at him like some weird girl daddy issues even though that's kinda what she is but she just didn't want calum to be like "oh this bish is weird cause she did shit w her dad" or stuff like that


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