63//Are You Happy?

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Chapter 63: Are You Happy?

Song: Somebody Else by The 1975


"We love you New York! Goodnight!"Ashton screams, causing all of the fans to scream louder and wave their hands rapidly.

I smile down at everyone and in an instant, time slows down.

I look over to Luke, and he looks back at me with a large and proud smile. I nod slowly and look down further to Michael to see him to focused on his final guitar solo. Looking behind me, I see Ashton giving his all to that drum kit.

He looks out at the crowd with a large smile, he's happiest when he's behind the drum kit and in front of a crowd like this one.

His smile slightly falters and he looks over to me, his eyebrows pulling together. He looks back to the crowd and points. I raise an eyebrow, all while still playing my final notes on my bass.

I look behind me, and there she is.

Standing there in the crowd wearing a proud smile. A hand is held to her heart while her other hand is linked with somebody else's.

She came with him?

Hayley's here. I can see her belly is growing, our baby- our baby bear- is growing. But why did she bring Jackson?

The song ends and Luke begins running off, followed by Michael and Ashton. I set my guitar down, keeping my eyes on Hayley the whole time. She releases Jackson's hand and cups her hands to her mouth, shouting and yelling cheers for us. I can see her lips move and she says, "Rock on, baby!"

My heart is skipping multiple beats, but time is slowed down and before I know it, Michael is grabbing my shoulder and pulling me away with them.

Time returns to its normal speed and I swallow hard, the smile slowly returning to my face. "That was fucking amazing,"Luke laughs and high fives Ash and Mikey, "Why were you just standing there?"he asks me.

I laugh out, "Hayley's here!"

They all widen their eyes and grin from ear to ear. "I call dibs on being the God father!"Luke shouts. "You can't call dibs, it's a child, Luke."Ashton criticizes him.

I roll my eyes. "All of you shut up, I don't even know if she's coming backstage. Plus, she brought Jackson."I sigh, stiffening up. "I told you, they're a thing."Michael laughs, nudging me. I nod.

We make it back to the dressing room and my heart skips a beat as Michael opens the door.

Hayley is smiling up at Jackson with her hands in his, but as she looks at us, she detaches from him. "Guys! You were so good!"she cheers us.

"Hayes! Oh my God! We've missed you!"Ash says, hugging her. She giggles and shares hugs with Michael and Luke, and then stops in front of me.

"Well,"she raises an eyebrow, "you just gonna stand there or hug me, papa bear?"

I smile and eagerly wrap my arms around her small, yet growing, frame. "Oh, Calum!"she separates us and tugs Jackson's hand.

"I know you've already met but, yeah. Jackson, this is Calum, the father- Calum, this is Jackson, my boyfriend."Hayley introduces us again.

How weird, last time we met, I was in his shoes.

"Hey man,"he smiles and holds out a hand. "you guys were really great out there."

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