15//Red Paint

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Chapter 15: Red Paint

Song: i can't breathe by Bea Miller


After signing in at the front desk, Calum and I made it to the back, where my mom was. She was in the community room, watching TV and painting something I'm not sure of.

Now, Calum takes my hand and kisses the back of it, for comfort. We walk over to where she sits and I set the basket full of fruits and flowers in front of her, catching her attention.

Her brown eyes gaze up into mine and she smiles warmly. "Oh hi!"

My heart warms up and I sit down beside her on the couch. "Hi, do you...remember me?"

She narrows her eyes and sets her paintbrush down. "I'm not sure... what's your name?"

"Hayley... and this,"I pull Calum down to sit beside me, "is Calum. My best friend."

He smiles politely and waves. My mom looks between us with confusion. "I've seen pictures of you before. You don't have purple hair in them though."

I smile and nod. "Yeah, I know."

"I'm sorry, I suck at remembering things dear, can you remind me who you are? How did we meet?"she chuckles out and lifts her paintbrush, dipping it into red paint.

"Well, actually, all of that is in this book. You wrote it."I say and slide the small notebook over to her. She looks at it and sees the cover.

A small picture of her and I when I was younger is glued to it.

My mom lifts the book into her hands and opens the first page. "That's- that's my hand writing... where did you get this?"

"You made this and gave it to me about three and a half years ago. You told me to give t to you whenever so visit, you don't remember?"I ask before pulling out a small recent picture of us, the last time I visited.

We were laughing and had our cheeks pressed together.

She reads more of the book, and actually looks invested in it. As if it's a novel.

I quickly grip Calum's hand, feeling my heart beat quickly.

What if she remembers? What if she doesn't? Will she flip out? Will she be happy?

"Hayley,"she whisper and looks up; her eyes are gleaming, "Hayley, you're here?"

A wide smile spreads across my face and a laugh or relief falls from my lips. I look back at Calum who's grinning.

"She remembers me!"

"Your my daughter, of course I remember you! Oh, how have you been, baby? Is everything working out okay in New York? Has Victor contacted you?"

"New York is great, mom! No, father hasn't found me yet."

She sighs in relief at my response and smiles at Calum. "And as for you, young man, I definitely remember you. You guys were best friends; practically attached at the hip."

We all let out a laugh at her comment.

"How have you been, Calum?"

"I'm great, Miss, how about you?"

"I've been managing."she answers with a small nod. "So I'm assuming you know about her father?"

He nods slowly and scoots closer to me. "Don't worry, I'm watching over her. He won't her, at least not while I'm around."

My heart warms up at Calum's words.

He's so protective over me. So sweet, gentle and caring.

We go on, talking back and forth about how we've been. Calum tells her about his band and how successful they are, I rant on about how proud I am of him.

I've missed times like this, being able to talk to my mom and smile and laugh. Unfortunately, her condition prevents that from happening very often. But whenever I do get the chance to talk with my mom, to be close with her, even if it's just a few minutes, I take advantage of it.

"I'm so glad you guys are visiting me today,"my mom laughs out before lifting the paintbrush and dipping it in the red paint again. "It feels good to remember things."

"I wish it could be like this all the time, mom."I sigh out and look at her painting.

I still can't tell what it is.

My eyes wander over to the gift basket we bought. "Oh, mom, did you look at some of the stuff we got?"I ask while bending down to get it. I rummage through some of it, looking for the candy.

I grab a pack of Skittles, her favorite, and look back up at her. She's still focused on her painting.

"Mom, look,"I raise them up for her to see, "there's Skittles."

She pays all her attention to whatever she's painting, redipping the brush in the red paint for the 5th time since we've been here.

Calum notices and takes my hand slowly. "Hayes, I think we should go."

"No, it's fine-"I look back at her- "Mom, look."

Her head snaps at me and she furrows her eyebrows. "Were you talking to me?"

My heart sinks. "Yeah, I got you some Skittles.... can you remember me?"I whisper the last part.

She looks me up and down before looking at Calum. "No, I'm sorry, what's your name again?"

She's gone. Just like that.

It never lasts long anyways.

I sigh and smile small before setting the Skittles in the basket and setting it beside her. I stand from my seat, feeling tears well up in my eyes. "It's fine, it's time for us to go. Come on, Cal."

He stands up and sets a hand on my shoulder. My nose begins to sting, that's never a good sign.

"Bye mom, I'll see you later."I lean down a press a small kiss to her head as she looks at me, still trying to figure me out.

Calum takes my hand and rubs my knuckles as we begin to walk out.

Tears immediately begin streaming down my cheeks, my cheeks are burning red and my nose is stinging mildly. The sudden and cold air hits my face.


"No, Calum. Don't."I stop him before he can say anything. I rip my hand out of his and attempt at wiping my tears away.

My mother will never remember me, at least not even for a full hour.


ok that gif on the top is the mom


this was lowkey sad


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