↠A New Day - 005

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It was the next week, and classes were officially starting

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It was the next week, and classes were officially starting. Sage walked into the Great Hall for breakfast with two other girls, one had flaming red hair and gorgeous green eyes, and the other had chocolate brown hair and blue eyes. Sage shared a dorm with the girls, whose names are Lily and Marlene.  After being placed in the house of red and gold, Sage had taken a liking to the color maroon and yellow, wanting to wear them more to show her house pride.  As the girl made their way to the table, Sages name was called out by none other than Sirius Black himself. "Well, what are you doing? Go over to him!" Lily laughed and pushed the Princess forward in the direction of the boy.

"Well, someone seems eager to see me," The boy smiled at Sage as she walked towards him quickly. Sage laughed and nodded, " Seeing you just makes my day," The sarcastic tone in her voice was clear. James laughed at her words while eating an apple, Peter did too, and Remus chuckled lightly at the pair.  "Wow, Princess," Sirius put his hand over his heart dramatically, "I thought we were better than this," He wiped away a fake tear. Sage just simply shook her head at the boy with a smile and sat down next to him.

Remus, who was eating toast and eggs, looked at Sage and asked her, "What classes do you have this week?" Sage moved to pull a folder out of her bag, she took out the piece of paper and started, "I have Charms with the Ravenclaws first, and double potions with... Oh, I have it with the Slytherins." She stared at the paper with disgust. "You really don't like them, do you," Peter stated. "I was ganged up on and attacked by a group of boys who believed they were better than me because of the blood that runs through my body. Yes, I hate them,"

Classes came and went, and the evening was now upon them. The group of five sat by the fire place in the commons room, Sirius was in between James and Sage, well Peter and Remus sat on the other loveseat. "So, how was potions?" James asked Sage. "The Slytherins treat me like I'm worthless. I swear, if I wasn't wearing a dress one of those girls would have caught my foot in her face!" Sirius looked at and gave a small smile. "If it helps, once we graduate you can have them arrested for disrespecting Royalty," He said with a chuckle. "Sirius," Sage laughed at his words, "That's not how it works," "Well then, make it work," He tells her.

Sage stood up after a time of them talking and laughing and said, "I'm going to take a stroll before curfew, would any of you like to join me?" Three of the boys declined her offer, but Sirius stood up and told, "If none of these lot want to go, then I guess I have to go, make sure no one touches our Princess again," The boys laugh and tease the pair as the walk out.

"Hey, Sage, can I ask you something?" Sirius said as the walked down the corridors. "You just did," Sage tells him with a small smirk on her lips. "Well then, I'll take that as a yes," He started, "What was it like growing up as the future Queen of England?" Sage looked at him and told, "Not what you expect it to be. Many people see me as a girl who only knows fancy dresses and jewelry, but I'm much more than that. I was raised off of politics and math, I'm fluent in four other languages aside from English. I was raised to rule a nation that owns so much land they don't even know what to do with it. But, I was also raised to not fall in love, not to make friends, and to put my country first. I cannot marry for love if my country needs something from another, I cannot have friend because the life I live is dangerous and my role can get them killed. I was raised to be detached from society because I have to rule one."

"So basically, you can't live a life because you have to rule over a country," He looked at her shocked. "Yes, that's it exactly," Sage bluntly stated. The duo found themselves walking on a path outside of the school, the air was still warm, and the sun was setting. "Sage, have you ever had your first kiss?" Sirius asked her after he grew tired of the silence. "No, not yet. I don't know why people make such a big deal about kisses though, I mean, it's just a kiss, there are people who kiss others without even knowing their names, and they don't even seem bothered by it," Sirius laughed at her explanation. "So, if I kissed you, you wouldn't be bothered by it, is what you're saying," Sage looked as if he were crazy, "No! You're different, I know you, you're my friend for lords sake!" Her face turned red.

Sirius grabbed her hand and stopped her, "Well, a Princess deserves a lot more than a kiss from me, so can we say I'm Prince Charming and call it a day?" He teased her further. Sage looked away from him, not being able to face his words towards her. Sirius raised his hand to her cheek, "You need to live a little," He laughed and pulled her into a hug. "You aren't funny, Mr. Black," Sage whispered to him. "Well then, what am I, you Majesty?" He asked her. Sage looked up and gave him a peck on the lips. "A fool," She stated before turning around and walking away from him.

Sirius stood there dumb-founded. "Bloody hell," He said in a groan. The boy stood outside for a few more minutes before making his way back to the commons room. As he walked in, Sage was in the same seat she was in before they left, and she turned to look at him, "What took you so long?" Remus questioned him. "I made a wrong turn when walking down the halls," He stared at Sage.

"I could have walked you back," She had a knowing smirk on her face, Sirius knew that they now had their own dirty little secret.

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