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"You're my favorite place to go to when my mind searches for peace"— T H E  D A T E —

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"You're my favorite place to go to when my mind searches for peace"
— T H E D A T E —

Disbelief covered Sage's entire face as her mouth made an o-shape. It was the end of the first week of December, and Lily Evans sat on her bed in the dorms and was smiling like a little girl whose crush liked her back. Which was literally happening. "You genuinely said yes? You aren't playing a joke on me?" Sage couldn't believe what she was hearing. "No! I wouldn't do that to you! Besides, It's just a date!" Lily laughed at Sage. "Yes! A date! With James bloody Potter! The boy who has been in love with you since like, ever!"

Lily just continued to laugh before letting herself fall back on the bed and call Sage over to lay next to her. Sage followed her call and laid down on her side to face her red-headed best friend. She saw the smile that graced Lily's perfectly pink lips and her eyes shine with pure bliss. Sage was truly taken aback. But she was also so excited to dress Lily for the date that night.

"How is this real? When did you start having a crush on James Potter? And more importantly, why didn't you tell me! I tell you everything! You're my maid of honor for Merlin's sake!" Sage slapped Lily's shoulder with a smile on her face. "I'm sorry! I just said yes almost impulsively, and it just happened last night! It's only a date, Sage." Lily looked over to her best friend and smiled. Sage let out an ungraceful snort and laughed at her statement. "'Only a date' my blood arse it's only just a date! Lils, it's the date!" Sage waved her hands out dramatically causing Lily to giggle.

"You're bloody ridiculous, Sage Marie Mary!" Sage opened her mouth to a mocking o-shape and stared at her best friend. "Me? Ridiculous? How dare you!" Sage placed her hand over her chest in fake offense. "You are no longer allowed to spend so much time around Sirius, bloody hell you're just like these days!" Lily rolled her eyes and pulled her necklace chain out from under her shirt. Sage smiled softly at the sight of her best friend nervously staring at herself in the mirror with fiddling with the gold chain.

Some moments in her life made her feel completely human. Biologically, yes, she is human, but Sage had much more control than most. Army's follow her words, Muggle's and Wizards alike, and they followed them with honor. Sage had never met a Seventeen-year-old with as much power as herself. But then she had these moments with her friends, and her fiancé, that made her feel like life was so much more simple than it actually was. Right now, Sage wasn't a Queen, or witch, or student. She was just Sage Marie Mary, Lily Evans best friend who was going to help her get ready for a date.

Lily caught Sage's gaze and smiled back. "Are you going to help me? With an outfit, I mean." Sage jumped off the bed and nodded vigorously. "I'm thinking browns with a red scarf."


Sage pulled the flat iron through the last piece of Lily's hair and pulled her hand against it to lay it in the right place. Lily looked, in Sage's opinion, absolutely stunning. Her red locks framed her face to perfection and laid against her scarf and jacket covered shoulder perfectly. The jacket was a beige color that was wrap style, and it hugged her body perfectly. Sage pulled her friend to stand up and look at her, before taking a few steps to really observe. "You look absolutely, breathtakingly beautiful." Lily looked away, slightly embarrassed by the amount of attention she was getting from her royal friend.

"I have to leave, I'm supposed to be meeting him in 20 minutes," Lily smiled at Sage. Sage grinned at her in response. Lily pulled Sage into a tight and quick hug before whispering, "Thank you for this, I genuinely appreciate it." The redhead let her go before grabbing her bag and leaving. Sage stared at her as she walked out, a pleasant feeling blooming in her chest. It had taken James Potter almost his entire student career at Hogwarts to get Lily Evans to go on a date with him, and now that it was happening Sage felt like a proud mom. The feeing brought a slight smirk to her face.

The pure irony of it was that Sage had taken the best care she could have of her friends throughout these seven years. Even when her and James and their temporary fall out with the rest of the group, she still sent herbs to Remus to help with his transitions and when Sirius left home the summer in August Sage offered him a room. She didn't ever hold that to them, but that were moments from that time that still sat in her memories. That entire time now that she reflects on, Sage can still feel the bitterness she felt then, it just wasn't resentful anymore.

Sage was pulled out of her thoughts abruptly when a knock came from the opened door. "Lost in La-La-Land, my love?" Sirius was leaning against the door frame, a smirk gracing his face as he teased her. Sage nodded before walking over pulling him into a hug. Sirius held her tight and kissed the top of her head softly. "I heard from our dear Prongs that he has a date with Lily-Pad, and if I remember correctly your little redhead left looking particularly dolled up," Sirius looked down at her, locking eyes with his fiancée.

"Ah, yes. It's the beginning of a love story, one that has been waiting to written for... seven? years now," Sage placed her chin against his chest and looked up at him like a child would. "Guess what I've been thinking about today," Sirius ignored her look. "What is on your mind?" Sage tilted her head. "In less than three weeks, we get to see... our baby."

Neither of them could tell you why, but those words made tears swell up in both their eyes. "We're parents." Sage said as if those words weren't real. Sirius nodded his head and drew in a deep breath. "Yeah, It seems as though we are." Sirius once again pulled Sage into a tight embrace.


Lily and James walked back into the Gryffindor commons area with bright grins and laughter lacing their aura. Sage and Sirius quickly stood up to see them. Sirius crossed his arms over his chest and Sage held her hands up to her stomach. Lily and James stopped dead in their tracks when they saw them standing like that. "Yes, mates?" James was the first to speak.

"I thought we asked you to have our daughter back by 9, Mr. Potter," Sage's voice sounded disappointed and Sirius gave a mocking glare to Lily. "And you, young lady, breaking curfew! We thought we raised you better than that!" Sirius's voice sounded much angrier than Sage's, causing the Queen to bite her lip and look away to keep herself from laughing. "I bloody hate you too!" Lily started laughing again, raw genuine bubbles of life and joy came from her lips, and soon they were all laughing.

"Care to tell us how long you lot were sitting there waiting for us?" James asked them when their laughter died down. "Well, we came down at 8:30 to chat with Remus and Peter, and then by 9:30 they had both went to bed, and we decided to wait after 10. Now it's well past 11." Sage moved over slightly to hold Sirius's hand. "So, are you going to tell us about it, mates?" Sirius inserted himself. Lily and James both looked at each other before smirking ever so slightly.

"No." They both said before sprinting off towards their dorms like two children.

𝟏 𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐋 - 𝙎𝙄𝙍𝙄𝙐𝙎 𝘽𝙇𝘼𝘾𝙆Where stories live. Discover now