↠Legerdemain - 017

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Sage was strolling down Diagon Ally with her 3 lady's-in-waiting and little sister

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Sage was strolling down Diagon Ally with her 3 lady's-in-waiting and little sister. Not only did Sage have to pick up her own supplies for the upcoming school year, but Eden's as well. The now 11-year-old girl had received her letter the week prior much to her excitement. Jasper told them he was going to go shopping separately, and that his list from Durmstrag was different from their Hogwarts one.

"Come along now, we don't want the muggles to stare at us for too long." Sage pushed her little sister gently to make her move faster, "We must get your wand! It's the best part of the entire experience!" Eden giggled with excitement and proceeded to jog over to the wand store.

Sage and her Lady's laughed at Eden. "For being so be she still acts so small," The oldest out of the four of them, Lady Cassiopeia, joked. "She's gonna fit in perfectly with the first years, I can already see it!" Sage pretended to sigh sadly. "Come on slow pokes!"

Eden practically ran to every store that was on the street in pure bliss. Everyone seemed to enjoy watching the young child seem in awe over the whole situation. When her shopping seemed to be almost over, Sage asked her Lady Katherine to help finish up while she went back to grab a book she needed. Katherine nodded happily and smiled.

Walking in the almost empty library, it was completely silent. You could hear a pin drop. The almost 16-year-old queen was looking for the new Potions books that she needed for the upcoming school year. Smiling with satisfaction when she finds it, Sage finds her smiling dropping immediately when Sirius Black and his wretched mother walked into the store.

Sage quickly went to the salesman to buy her book. Almost as quickly as she got there, she heard Sirius' mother make a sound of disgust. Stopping in her tracks, Sage raises her head high and turns towards the older woman. "Ah, Mrs. Black, it's wonderful to see you again," Sage referred to their first meeting when she was only 11 years of age.

The young Queen noticed Sirius freeze in his spot. "Princess!" Sirius hissed when he saw his mother go to make an offensive remark. Walburga looked at Sirius in horror when she heard the nickname. Sage appeared to be shocked. She wasn't expecting Sirius to actually acknowledge the fact that she there. Rushing towards her in a panicked manner, Sirius gripped Sage' arm and pulled her away from his mother.

"What the hell was that?!" Sirius pushed Sage into a corner hidden from sight, "We haven't talked in almost 5 months and you decide you're going to talk to my blood purity believing mother?" Sirius was fuming, his face red, and eyes dark. "Let me go." Sage tried to move, but Sirius pushed her back into the corner and leaned into her so she couldn't. He stood like this until he heard his mothers obnoxious heels click towards to exit door.

Letting his weight off of Sage, he sighed and rubbed his face. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have reacted like that," Sage couldn't breathe. Here he was, the great Sirius Black, actually apologizing without being forced to do so. "Oh sweet Merlin..." He turned away from her, hands falling to his sides, "I should have said that months ago,"

"Padfoot..." Sage's voice sounded shaken. The dark haired boy whipped around, he wasn't aware of the fact that Sage knew of his and others actions. "It's okay. Just... go back and find your mother so you can get your supplies." Lifting up her long dress, Sage was almost sprinting to get of the Library. Almost reaching the door, she was cut off by Sirius stepping in front of her. "What... What do you want from me?"

His voice sounded desperate, yet sad, broken. Sage didn't know how to answer his question. It had nothing to do with their previous conversation, but what seemed like their relationship as whole. She almost couldn't put it into words. Sage loved Sirius more than she should have. With his twisted family, playboy reputation, and the way they fight, it was almost like she would be doomed if she stayed with him. But she loved him, and the way he made her feel. The whole summer without him was hell for her.

The two stared at each other for what felt like eternity. Sirius felt the familiar feeling of fear and dread fill his chest. He didn't know what to expect. With how he treated her James, the accusations, he didn't deserve to be involved with the young Queen. Plus, he was merely a commoner in the Public eye that followed Sage and her royal family around. It would be frowned upon to fall in love with a person as normal as himself.

"I just want you to be happy," Sage finally spoke. Chills crept down her spine. The silence after her words were painful. She wanted nothing more than to crawl up in a hole and hide from the rest of the world. Taking a few steps back, Sage walked around Sirius and left the library. "Well, it's about time!" Her lady Katherine exclaimed jokingly. "I got an owl!" Eden was practically glowing. "That's wonderful, what did you name them?" Sage asked her little sister with a smile. "I named her Elizabeth, after mom,"

Sage turned her head to look behind her when she heard a door open and close. Standing across the stone path from her was Sirius. His gaze was intense. Sage stared at him until her lady Cassiopeia snapped her fingers in Sage's face. "Is that who I think it is?" Cassiopeia questioned. Sage nodded lightly and went to look at him again, but he was gone. When she glanced around to find him, she saw him walking towards his younger brother, Regulus. The now 5th year boy carried the same blood purity beliefs as his family, and was a very active supporter of the dark wizard who has now threatened Sage's country in more than one account.

"I think it's time we leave." Sage spoke up, causes the other girls to agree. "It's been a long day," Sage mumbled quietly to herself at Eden grabbed all of her stuff.

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