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—L A S T  OF  T H E  F I R S T—

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—L A S T  OF  T H E  F I R S T—

Sage and Sirius laid on their Flat's floor staring at the ceiling in the living room. Sage was practically crying, while Sirius just smiled softly. Today was the day. Today was the day they start their last year at Hogwarts. And the two had stayed up all night painting the ceiling with stars and constellations. Sirius knew that once they came back they would almost immediately start packing up and moving into one of the Royal's family-owned Property. But he was still going to keep renting the apartment, just for if he ever needed it for something. "Can you believe it?" Sage whispered. "Believe what, love?" Sirius turned his head to look at her.

"I met you a little over seven years ago, arguing with that wench of women, and here we are now, starting our last year, living together and starting our lives?" Sage leaned over to look back at him. "For the longest time, I never wanted to be a witch, go to a school for magic, be with someone without a title. I just wanted to be little Princess Sage of York, live in my family's home in which I was raised, and just be... Normal. And here I am, with you, about to graduate from my magic school." Sage started crying.

Sirius lifted his arm and put his hand against her face and whipped her tears from her face. "People change, love. I think we are prime examples of it. I think that life changes if we let it change, we just can't control how it changes," Sirius muttered just loud enough for her to hear. Sage sniffled and gave him a weak smile. "It's time to get ready, love," Sirius told her and she nodded. "Let's do this then."


Sage was tired, staying up all night had not done her any favors, but the excitement she felt left little bursts of energy in her system. She was looking for twin girls. Today was their 15th birthday, and Sage bought them both gifts. She couldn't tell you why she did it, but she found something she thought both girls would love. It was two simple gold necklaces with small butterflies and flowers gathered up at the bottom. The butterflies and flowers were made of rubies and sapphires. Sage knew it was overboard, but she wanted to do this for them.

"Kaylee! Marie!" The two girls looked over as they were standing with an older couple and boy who looked to be Sages' age. Sage smile and quickly sped towards them. The girls both smiled back at her. "Happy birthday!" Sage handed them both a box. The girls looked up at her and tried to hand the boxes back. "No, please, I insist! You can't turn down a birthday gift!" Sage pushed their hands back. "Merlin, Sage, How much did these cost you?" Kaylee asked her in shook as she looked at the necklace. Marie's jaw practically dropped.

Sage looked over at their new family and stared closely at the older brother. Where had she seen this boy before? He looked so... Familiar. And so does his parents. "It has been a long time, your Majesty," The father said. Sage took a step away from the girls and towards them. It only took her a few seconds after that to remember him. "Prince Tomas of Spain... You're right, it has been quite a long time," Sage straightened up.

Prince Tomas of Spain was next in line for the Spanish throne. His older brother married but never had any children, leaving Tomas and his only son in line. Sage had no clue this was the family that agreed to take in the girls. She would have denied them. The only person in that entire family she had ever gotten along with was his son, Duke Phillip. The two royal families often fueded, the most recent time being when both Sage and Phillip were about 10.

"Love?" A voice from behind Sage questioned. Sage looked back and it was Sirius standing there. "You must excuse me, I have people waiting," Sage told them with a very fake smile. "We understand, your Majesty," Prince Tomas and his wife, Adara, gave her the same smile. "It was nice seeing you again, Phillip," Sage turned to him and nodded. Phillip looked at his parents and smirked, before turning back to Sage and nodding back, "You as well, Sage."

Sage turned away and Sirius reached for her hand, which she let him take before they made their way to the train. "Who the hell were they?" Sirius asked her confused. "That was Prince Tomas of Spain and his family. They were the ones to take in Kaylee and Marie. I now have a very interesting letter to write to some people."


Everyone stared as Sage furiously wrote a letter. They didn't want to bother her just in the case that they face her wrath too. Lily was sitting next to James, Sirius day next to Sage, Remus sat next to him and Peter on the other side of James. "What happened?" James whispered to Sirius, who was direct across from him. "I have no clue, mate," Sirius whispered back.

"Out of all the people in the Muggle world, they choose them! Those poor girls will never fit in with that family," Sage was mumbling to herself as she put her hand against her mouth and leaned back. "What's wrong with that family love?" Sirius's leaned back and looked at her. Sage turned her head to look at him, "My family has never been at true peace with the Spanish. Most of the time it was kept private, but there have been wars and countless amounts of buried bodies over this. Now, they are trying to breed in magic to their line. The current King of Spain married two witches, the first was a British lady, but under the law, they couldn't have any biological children and she ended up sick and dying. Then, his second wife was an American witch, but she caught committing adultery and the Pope gave him the offering to have a separation."

 Everyone in the room just stared at her. "I'm surprised you didn't rip their bloody heads off!" Lily exclaimed, her emerald eyes wide. "Phillip and I have always gotten along, and he will most likely become King before his father ever gets the chance, so my only hope is he marries for love and not for magical children," Sage sighed and rubbed her hands over her face. "Don't worry love, he seems smart," Sirius wrapped her arm around her shoulder and pulled her into his chest. 

"You and James also have every opportunity to be smart but you two don't take it!" Sage laughed and both James and Sirius raised a hand over their hearts and gasped loudly.


Lily and Sage stood next to each other in silence and stared off at the castle that was glowing in the dead darkness, its reflection dancing in the water that they would be crossing for almost the last time. Sirius, James, Peter, and Remus stood not too far behind them also watched as the light pulsed from the place they also called home.

 Sirius walked up behind Sage and smiled at her. "Do you recall our first time seeing this?" He asked her with a smile, "We crossed the lake sitting next to each for the first time," Sage smiled too at the memory of them as children laughing and staring in awe. Lily walked back towards James while Sirius and Sage stood in the same spot. 

"And how ironic that we will cross it for the last time together too?"

𝟏 𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐋 - 𝙎𝙄𝙍𝙄𝙐𝙎 𝘽𝙇𝘼𝘾𝙆Where stories live. Discover now