↠Royals Don't Wait - 030

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"Oh love, us royals never slow down"

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"Oh love, us royals never slow down"

R O Y A L S D O N T W A I T—

Sage was standing in front of her boyfriend as she helped him tie his black tie. "How are you better at this than I am?" Sirius asked her with a smirk. "Well, I've spent most of my life fixing my brothers tie, so, you aren't alone in that area. I'll probably have to fix his when we get there," Sage laughed as she dusted off his shoulders and looked up at him. "Have I told you how beautiful you look?"

He was right. Sage was wearing a long black gown that had a high slit and hugged her body tightly. "You cleaned up very nice as well, love." Sirius kisses her softly on the lips. "I really hope your family likes me," He whispered to her. Sage just smiled at him. "They'll love you, everyone who isn't crazy does," Sirius laughed at her words. "Well, if the actual Queen of England couldn't resist me, who can?"

Sage shoved him playfully and rolled her eyes. "Are you almost ready?" She asked him. "Yes, yes, let's go," Sirius said as he opened the bedroom door and walked out.


Sage and Sirius stood arm-in-arm as they greeted people who were wishing Sage a happy birthday. "That man did not age well," Sirius whispered to Sage after a middle-aged man and his wife walked away from them. Sage covered her mouth as she tried not to laugh. "He was very attractive when i was younger, he also has a son our age," Sage told him trying to gain her composure back. "Is his son that lad over there at their table?" Sirius nodded his head in their direction. Sage nodded and looked at her boyfriend.

"Be careful around them, love, they're also royals, and foreign. They don't understand our customs, and could take anything to offense." The look on her face was deadly serious. Sirius only nodded and looked on. "Oh my, I didn't know she was coming," Sage said as she watched her aunt walk in. "Sage! How are you, love?" Victoria asked her as she pulled her niece into a hug.

Sage hugged her back with a tight smile. Victoria hadn't said a word to her since her mother died. Not even a letter. After her cousin had thrown a fit at her coronation, her aunt never apologized or did any sort of formality, she just went silent. "Is this your boyfriend? Handsome one you are! I'm Princess Victoria," Victoria went on and stuck her hand out for Sirius to shake. Sirius looked at her uncomfortably. He knew his girlfriend wasn't the biggest fan of her aunt. "Sirius Black, a pleasure to meet you," He said with a handshake.

"So, Victoria, where is your son?" Sage asked as she wrapped her arm around Sirius's and held his hand. Sirius smirked slightly at her tone and her aunts face. He knew that Sage was just asking to stir up some trouble. "Well, I do believe he is with his father right now," Victoria's smile because visibly fake. "How lovely... I hate to cut this short, But Sirius and I must go see my father before dinner starts, so, if you do excuse us." Sage started walking away. She hated that woman at the moment.

Sirius started chuckling as his girlfriend dragged him towards her father and siblings. "What?" She asked him, her eyebrows knitted with confusion. "That conversation will definitely make some headlines, my dear," He said with a smirk. "Oh, shut it. She had it coming anyways..." Sage went on to mumble something under her breath. "What was that?" Sirius looked at her. "Nothing!"


"When Sage was born, her mother always said that she would be the best of us. Now, here we are, seventeen years later, and she has proven time and time again that her mothers words were true." Sage's father looked down at his daughter and smiled. "You are a remarkable daughter, sister, student, friend, queen, and now, a woman. To Sage, and to many more birthdays!" Her father raised his glass of champagne, and many followed. Sirius raises his glass and glanced at Sage, who was staring at him while holding her glass.

"Thank you for being here," She whispered to him. "I plan on always being here for you, Princess," He whispered back. They smiled at each other and clanked their glasses. "Sirius, come say a few words about your girlfriend!" Her father pushed his shoulder. "Just go along with it, he's drunk," Sage told him.

Sirius straightened his suit jacket and stood up. "When I was eleven, I was shopping for school supplies when my mother started screaming at me. People were staring but nobody said anything. And then, all of a sudden, this girl stood up from a bench and embarrassed my mother to the point of her leaving. I'd never seen anything like it in my life. Then, somehow, I ended up going to school with this angel. From the first night at school, she was my best friend, my partner in crime, and the best thing to ever come into my life. Happy birthday, love, I hope it's one of the best," Sirius rested his hand on her shoulder, while people clapped.

"To the Queen!" People cheered as the clanked their glasses again. "Let eat!"


Sage sat on a long couch with Sirius next to her on her right and Jasper on left. Her cousin was in her lap and Eden was at the end next to Jasper. They were taking family pictures, and in this one it was the the children. Sage was smiling at the little boy in her lap as he went on and on about all the places his parents were going to take him this summer. "That sound great!" Sage exclaimed as she held him.

Sirius looked at the two of them with a smile on his face. "Okay! Are we ready?" Sage's father called out. They all sat up straight and Sage pointed at the camera to get the boys attention towards that and he smiled. Sirius had his arm wrapped around Sage's waist and Sage was leaning into him slightly. "Perfect!" Victoria exclaimed and clapped her hands lightly.


"Bloody hell." Sage was struggling to take off her heels. Sirius was already laying on the couch with his coat jacket off. "That was a royal party if i've ever seen one," Sirius mumbled with his hands on his face. "You should have seen the parties that were thrown for my mothers birthdays. They were literally insane," Sirius chuckled at her.

Sage finally got her heels off and walked over to the couch. "Move over, love," Sage told him. Sirius inched over just enough for Sage to lie down next to him. Sage smiled as she laid down and rested her head on his chest. Sirius wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. "Happy birthday, Princess," He whispered.

"Thank you, my love."

𝟏 𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐋 - 𝙎𝙄𝙍𝙄𝙐𝙎 𝘽𝙇𝘼𝘾𝙆Where stories live. Discover now