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—E N G A G E M E N T  R I N G S—

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—E N G A G E M E N T R I N G S—

The sadness of reality set in when the group as a whole realized that in a month they would be starting their final year at Hogwarts. So, on the third of August, James Potter and his parents invited over as many of James' friends and their families as they could. It ended up being Lily, her mother, Remus and his parents, Sage, Sirius, her siblings and her father, and then Peter with just his father joining him. The whole group was excited, and Sage was pleasantly surprised to hear that Lily would be joining them.

But, that morning was a rough one. Sage, who has still been trying to keep the wizarding war and the rise of Voldemort under wraps, was faced with a large attack on a small muggle village on the outskirts of Scotland. The only survivors were 3 small children, one only being a few days old, and 2 teenagers who were Muggle-Borns. The young Queen ordered that they were all brought to London for her to meet. She went to school with the 14-year-old twin Hufflepuffs who made it out.

And Sirius, well... He and James had met up at 9:30 in the morning to go look at engagement rings. James practically screeched like a little girl when he saw where Sirius was looking. "What kind of stone are you going to get her?" James asked as they stared down at all the diamond rings and bands. "I was thinking a ruby, possibly with small diamonds surrounding it and a gold band," Sirius went into slight detail as he stared down at them.

James smirked slightly and looked up at him. "Our house colors?" Sirius chuckled and nodded. "Their her favorite. She has a banner that's hung up in her closet against the wall," James just shook his head and continued looking. "So... When are you going to ask her?"

Sirius just kept gazing at the rings before answering, "I have an idea, but I'm not exactly sure," James stopped in front of a ring case. "Hey, mate, over here." Sirius turned his head and walked towards where James was standing. "Excuse me, ma'am, I think I found it!"


When Sage had arrived back at the apartment she was on the verge of tears. It was well past noon and Sage had to quickly change into something a bit nicer and typical for her. Sirius was laying down fiddling with something in his hands. Sage practically sprinted into their bedroom and stood in front of their bed. "How do you feel about a baby?" Sirius went wide eyed.

"What?" Sirius just stared at her. "I probably should have worded this better... There was a Death Eater attack last night, and only five people survived. Two go to school with us, and three are children. They're being brought here and I managed to find home for everyone but the baby. My father already agreed to take care of the baby during the school year and once we get back and we can legally adopt them," Sage just stood at the end of the bed and stared at him with a pleading expression.

Sirius stood up and slipped the thing in his hand into his bedside table. "Princess... A baby? Are you sure that we can handle that? What is the first thing you know about caring for one, because I don't know anything," Sage walked over to stand in front of him and grabbed his hands.

"Sirius, we can give a child a home, a safe home, with my family and then ours. He doesn't even have a name! Please!" Sage begged him. "Princess, you have to let me think about this," Sirius sighed. He knew Sage wanted to fill the hole her mother left after dying and that his family left in him. But he wasn't sure if this was the solution. "For now, let's get ready for tonight, and we can talk about this tomorrow, okay?" Sirius put his hand in her cheek and offered her a loving smile.

Sage nodded and gave him a smile back. She then turned and walked to her closet, and pulled out three dresses. "Which color?" She asked him innocently. "Oh sweet Merlin!"


"Oh, mate, you're already giving in." James slapped his hand Sirius's shoulder while the rest of the boys stared at him. "Shut up." Sirius pushes his hand off. "A baby? Like, a newborn baby?" Remus was in total disbelief. How could Sirius Black change so much in just one year? He was so lost.

"Yeah, I guess. I mean, it's what she wants to do, and it's not like we can't afford it. We talked about it on our way here, and she suggested that we move out the apartment and into one of the properties the family owns." Sirius sat down in the chair next to Remus and sighed. "I can't fucking believe this mates, I truly bloody can't," He started laughing.

Peter shrugged and leaned back. "I know it seems unbelievable, but you wouldn't be letting this happen if you didn't want this baby too."All the boys looked at Peter and nodded. "Especially after Regulus dying, Sage not having her mom, and her dad finally trying to be a part in her life. You both need something to love and nurture."

Sirius shifted his hands nervously. Three weeks ago Regulus was claimed missing, and then pronounced dead. Nobody else knew he wasn't. "I mean, it all kinda works out. Give her the ring, set the date, get married, and then take the baby," James said and leaned against the wall.

"So, what's his name?" Remus asked. "He doesn't have one yet, we're naming him. And, knowing how all that royal stuff works, he'll probably end up being George or something like that," Sirius told. "There is no hell strong enough for me to name that baby George." Sage's voice rang out in an appalled tone. The boys laughed and Remus moved over so Sage could sit next to him.

Sage sat down and looked at Sirius. "We could name him anything. My mother threw tradition out of the window when she had my family. I was thinking Benjamin, maybe Alexander-" Sirius cut her off, "I like Alexander, we could call him Alex," Sage smiled softly. "Are we naming him Alexander? Alexander Black?" Sirius just stared back at her. "Damn, mate. She got you." The boys stared laughing.


The boys and Sage joined everyone outside with smiles. James father had just finished making the final parts of dinner and invited everyone to get a plate. Sirius told Sage her would get hers so she could talk to Lily and her mother. The young Queen nodded and smiled at her boyfriend.

Lily slammed Sage into a tight hug and told her how excited she was to see her. Sage hugged her back and told her likewise. Sage then turned to Lily's mother. "It's so nice to finally meet you Mrs. Evans! Lily has told me so much about you!" Sage stuck her hand out. Lily's mother gave her a giant smile and greeted her formally. "It's a pleasure, your majesty!" Sage waves her words off. "Please, call me Sage," She offered. The woman nodded happily.

Everyone sat at two different tables. Sage sat between Sirius and Lily, with the rest of the at their table (And of course James took his seat next to Lily, causing her to blush a bright pink). Jasper and Eden were talking to Remus and Sirius about what they expected for their 7th year at Hogwarts, while Sage's father talked and laughed with the other parents.

It was these moments that Sage lived and thrives for. These people were her family, blood or not. Even their parents Sage loved and respected. And soon, even though it would be through adoption, Sage and Sirius would be expanding their group. But only them, the boys, and Sage's father knew that. Of course she knew they were young, but this was something Sage knew in her heart she couldn't turn away. Even if she had to make her father legally adopt the baby and raise him herself.

Their world was dark, and destroying itself from the inside, but this baby was already a victim of that. Death surrounded them at every corner. Help, it even did at their own school, which was supposed to be the safest place in the world. And after this, Sage would be a full-time Queen with political ties in both worlds, and Sirius... Well he was gonna do whatever the hell Sirius does. But Sage wouldn't have it any other way.

Sage shook her boyfriends arm and smiled at him. "So... Is it Alexander?" She asked. "I think so," Sirius smiles back and nodded at her.

Sage leaned her head against his arm, "I love you," She whispered. "I loved you more." Sirius kisses her head.

𝟏 𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐋 - 𝙎𝙄𝙍𝙄𝙐𝙎 𝘽𝙇𝘼𝘾𝙆Where stories live. Discover now