Chapter 14

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"I brought you dinner, your grandmother expected to see you, but you didn't come." Steve announces, stepping down the stairs and walking towards me.

He's carrying a metal tray, with a plate of roast dinner and steam rushes off it. Beside it is a mug of hot liquid, more medicine from the Asgardian experts. Steve places it on the floor beside me and nods at Loki, who smiles in return.

"I'm on strike." I say, smiling at Steve.

"You're still ill, you need to eat at least, Hatz." Steve argues, placing the back of his hand on my forehead. I hold back a sigh as his cold skin touches my clammy forehead.

"I will eat and drink. But I am not moving from this spot until either Odin writes on paper that I can visit my Father every weekend or he is taken back to SHIELD where I can see him every day." I explain.

"Loki, can't you persuade Hatz to think properly about this?" Steve questions, turning his attention to Loki.

"I've tried, but when Hattie wants something, she will do everything possible to get that." Loki replies.

"I agree with why you are doing this, but isn't there another way to do this, Hatz?" Steve quizzes.

"Nope." I answer, crossing my arms and sending him a determined look.

"Well, good luck. Your Uncle says we are going home tomorrow evening." Steve says.

"You might be." I tease, smiling. Loki holds back a chuckle as he leans forward in his armchair.

"Just please try not to cause too much trouble Hatz." Steve answers.

He places a hand on my shoulder, squeezing very lightly and then strolls up the concrete stairs. Sighing, I wrap my hands around the mug and place it against my lips, feeling the steam hit my skin.

"Your Uncle will force you to go, do you realise that?" Father asks.

"He can try." I state.

"I admire your determination, child." He smirks.

"Was mother determined?" I question.

I notice Loki tense a little at my question, his eyes refusing to meet mine. But, I continue to watch him.

"Yes, your mother was the most determined person I knew. Until, you came along." He mumbles.

"What happened after?" I quiz.

"Your mother was constantly looking over her shoulder, always on edge, because she was terrified she would loose you. She was petrified she would wake up in the night and find you gone. Id wake up sometimes to her rocking you in her arms in the corner, crying and shaking, saying they were coming to get you. Your mother broke down when you were born." Loki explains, staring at the ground with tears swimming in the brim of his eyes.

"And she was right." I mutter.

Loki simply nods slowly, twisting his fingers and refusing to look at me.

"I'm sorry, father. I know it hurts you that I'm close with Uncle Thor, because he took me away and because of what he made mother do. But, I've seen what would have happened if Thor hadn't taken me, and it was so much worse." I announce.

Father raises his head, his eyes dancing with red pain and anger. His fists unclench and there's a confused look on his face.

"What happened?"

"Soldiers turned up at the house one night, you were reading me a story until mother ran in, saying they were here. You took me in your arms and lead us out of my room, then you gave me to mother and told us to run. We started to run and then...then they shot you...i saw them shoot you." I describe.

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