Ok, ok now. First and for most of all, the title is long. Too long, I know. But you know me, I suck at naming things k. Now, furthermore, IT'S OFFICIAL! our scout leader hated the first reverse poem I made and said it doesn't make sense and asked me to revise it. But, you dont just revise a reverse poem. It's not that simple!! SO I decided to make another and different one instead. And here it is! I hope she likes my second trash. Ok anyways, please enjoy and here it is!
We are just a bunch of people stuck in a state of division
I do not believe that
Something as simple as unity can fix this
I understand now that
Fear rules us over courage
It is not true that
Harmony will come to us someday
We know that
being in a state of concord can "change the society"
Is a lie, and
"we don't need anyone"
Is true
I don't think that
After love there will be peace and happiness
Because I believe that
Our nation is full of dark souls
It is impossible that
Everyone is worthy enough to be trusted
I know
There is no good in anyone
And I refuse to think that
We are all intelligent, loyal, brave and hopeful
The truth is
We are all cowards
It's a lie that
Doing good by merely working together can get us united
And I am positive that
No one will help another just because they're different
It's not even true that
We can continue to persevere during hard times
I agree that
We do it, we follow orders just because we are told so
I don't approve that
In anyway,
We will all become one.
But that's when later on I realized, that I just needed to reverse my way of thinking.
We will all become one
In anyway,
I don't approve that
We do it, we follow orders just because we are told so
I agree that
We can continue to persevere during hard times
It's not even true that
No one will help another just because they're different
And I am positive that
Doing good by merely working together can get us united
It's a lie that
We are all cowards
The truth is
We are all intelligent, loyal, brave and hopeful
And I refuse to think that
There is no good in anyone
I know
Everyone is worthy enough to be trusted
It is impossible that
Our nation is full of dark souls
Because I believe that
After love there will be peace and happiness
I don't think that
It's true that
"we don't need anyone"
It's a lie, and
being in a state of concord can change the society
We know that
Harmony will come to us someday
It is not true that
Fear rules us over courage
I understand now that
Something as simple as unity can fix this
And I do not believe that
We are just a bunch of people stuck in a state of division.
Now, I hope this is better that the last one. I might never know, but it's all up to you all, so...please vote! thanks <3
Ok, so ,the thing is, about the fact that I still needed to perform this...
IT SUCK. If you would've seen me out there you would have been laughing! I was Rattling my bones! I memorized if perfectly but became blank as soon as I saw the people around me. Plus, the leader I think has a really RUSTY BUTCH FACE which made me even more worried. It's my first ever doing something in front of people. So, uh, yeah. I SCREWED UP IN SHORT.
POEMS I a Collection I✔️
PoetryThis book , is a collection of poems I have made for a portion of my life. It's made with effort, that caused me my life to make. I enjoyed making this, so I hope you enjoy reading this too. Thank you<3