The Love Potion

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"I hate her! I hate her! I hate her!" Lavender Brown cried, bumping fists on her duvet sitting on her bed across Patil sisters and Romilda Vane.

"Stop crying out loud, Lavender. Someone will hear you", Parvati said glancing cautiously from her to the door. The boys dormitory was far, but other girls, specially Ginny could hear Lavender whining about Hermione. The only female Weasley child had a foul temper. And if she heard Lavender cursing her best friend... Parvati would not like to be on the receiving end of the hexes Ginny threw.

"I don't care! Let everyone hear that the brightest witch of the age is trying to steal my Won-Won!"

"How does she manage to do that? She managed to get THE Viktor Krum to go to the Yule ball with her. She's got both Harry Potter and Ron Weasley wrapped around her finger. And even they were supposed to be our dates, they spent the whole time talking about her!" Padma said. Others nodded in agreement.

"Maybe she uses love potion. Rita Skeeter said in the Daily Prophet that she did use it to charm Krum and Harry." Parvati said cutting a glance at Romilda.
Romilda gave an exasperated sigh. "Yes, I tried smuggling Harry love potion that poisoned Ron. But to no avail. I bet Hermione interfared with this as well."
Silence soon fell, broken by the occasional sniffling sounds of Lavender. The brooding silence was finally broken by Lavender.

"Love potion!" She exclaimed, exchanging a look with Romilda with puffy red eyes, both having the wickedest grin etched on their faces that could give any Slytherin run for their money.

Parvati turned to her sister, whose wide eyes conveyed the same thing she was feeling. That look sent warning bells ringing in their heads.

"It's about time to teach that Muggleborn a lesson." Romilda said in a sickly sweet voice.

"I don't think it's necessary-" Padma started.
"Oh don't be such a prude. It'll be fun. It's not like we're hexing or using an unforgivable curse." Romilda said crossing her arms but her eyes had a strange light. And the Patil sisters gave in.

"What are you going to do?"


Getting the love potion was easy. Romilda, it seemed, had it stocked. They just made some modifications. Instead of the giver, Hermione would fall in love with the first person she sees. They would mix it in her butterbeer in Hogsmeade trip. Romilda and Lavender were to distract Harry and Ron, while Parvati was to pour the love potion. Padma would bring the target. The only question left was who to make their target.

"What about Neville?" Padma suggested.

"He's too gullible. And he's already her good friend." Romilda replied.

"Why not make it a girl?" Lavender asked.

"Everyone knows Hermione is straight. It has to be a boy." Romilda said.



It was a long time till the name came up.

"Crabbe?" Everyone turned to Parvati.

Lavender smirked, "He's perfect!"

And they waited to unleash hell tomorrow.


Parvati knew it was time. Hermione was sitting alone occasionally glancing at Harry and Ron, across the room, who were listening to Romilda and Lavender. She was about to go to her when Ginny and Luna called Hermione. They hadn't considered them both. But it was better. The table was empty. Glass filled with butterbeer kept. She stood nonchalantly by the table and poured the love potion.

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