The Unplanned Date

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Inspired from a tumblr post. 💜

"So what did your parents say when you came out to them, fucking finally, I might add?" Blaise asked as he sat with Pansy across him in the private booth of the Muggle cafe.

They were still prejudiced against the Muggles but some of them made the greatest coffee Draco had ever tasted.

"My father literally said 'We been knew.' I should not have installed Twitter on his phone. Stupid bird app." Draco grumbled, sipping on his Caramel Macchiato.

"Really?" Pansy spluttered some coffee on the matching green scarf she and Blaise donned. Couples and their obsession with matching stuff. The pair sitting across him couldn't be more clingy. At least they were still his friends. Theodore and Daphne got repulsed by him when he came out as gay. Half Hogwarts scared of his past as Death Eater and Goyle just lost touch with him after Crabbe's death, leaving Pansy and Blaise as his only connection to Hogwarts.

"Hell yeah. My mother gave my father 20 galleons because she bet I wouldn't come out till April."

"They were making you see girls for marriage because..." Blaise trailed off.

"They were betting on how long I would last till I blow up." Draco completed his sentence.

"Wow. I can't believe they are the same uptight Malfoys." Pansy shook his head. It was true though. His parents were strictest of the rich pure bloods but the whole death eater incident and his father going to Azkaban changed them a lot.

"Well, did you hear Granger is being considered for the new Minister of Magic? In just 3 years after school? I thought being outshone by her would stay in school." Blaise scoffed.

"I thought you'd get used to being outshined by her in 7 years in school." Draco deadpanned.

"Don't attack my fiance, Blondie." Draco looked offended while Blaise laughed. Pansy kissed his cheeks and they both were in their own world, making Draco feel more single than ever. He took his phone out. Muggle technology came in handy.

The cafe bell dinged as Draco decided to check out Grindr.

"Is that?" Pansy asked, looking over Draco's head towards the door. He twisted in his seat and looked through the translucent sheet that seperated their booth from rest of the cafe. It was the face he hadn't seen in all these years, only in Daily Prophet.

"Bloody hell."


The green eyed boy made his way to the quaint cafe by the corner, steps faltering but a jump in them nonetheless. The crisp autumn chill of October had nothing to do with his shaking hands.

He opened the door, the little bell chiming on his arrival. The aroma of coffee beans filled him, the warmth of the cafe somewhat calming his fraying nerves.

He looked around, trying not to feel his chest deflate. His date had not arrived. Nevertheless, he occupied one empty booth near the window.

It was after a long time that someone made The Boy Who Lived wait. Guess his popularity pertained to the wizarding world only.

His usually messy hair were combed for a change, which swayed as he bobbed his head to the jazz music playing. Even Hermione's potion could not help his hair settle down. He liked it better, reminded him of his father.

He was dressed better, in his Muggle clothes instead of Wizard robes. He even went on to wear contact lenses, on insistence of Hermione, who said it made his eye pop out more. Ron just shrugged, knowing well not to contradict his girlfriend while Ginny wholeheartedly supported Hermione.

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