The Potions Project

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This is set in fourth year, after the first task and 8-9 days before the Yule Ball. It's divided into parts. ENJOY!

The fourth year at Hogwarts couldn't be worst. Or atleast, Hermione thought so.

With Harry getting his name thrown out of the goblet of fire, landing him straight in the Triwizard tournament, Hermione was stressed to the point that she would burst. Harry had an uncanny ability to get himself caught in the middle of situation that could potentially lead to his death. Every year. Hermione as his best friend, of course, had to help him. SPEW was going downhill as the elves themselves didn't want to be freed or get paid! Rita Skeeter was publishing rubbish about her smuggling Viktor and Harry love potion, for goodness sake! Thank god Ron and Harry had started talking again. She had become miserable being their messenger.

All in all, Hermione was at her peak stress and thought it couldn't increase any further. Boy, how wrong she was. One simple sentence from Professor Snape in the potions class heightened it manifold.

"Hermione Granger and Pansy Parkinson. Your potion is Draught of Peace."

"I'm not pairing with the Mudblood!" Pansy cried in her high pitched voice that was still soothing compared to Lavendar's shrill tone.

Hermione flinched. No matter how much she tried to ignore, the word always got into her skin, always had an effect on her like no other. Her throat began closing up as the tears welling her eyes threatened to let lose.
She blinked her eyes several times and cleared her throat. Her gaze sidelined to where Pansy was sulking beside Draco and rest of the Slytherins, their bright green 'Harry stinks' batches stark contrast to their black robes. Draco was looking straight at her with a strange look in his eyes. Did she dare call it sympathy?

 Did she dare call it sympathy?

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"Detention, Ms. Parkinson! I'd refrain the use of such words in the class if I didn't want to fail in the examinations." Snape snapped. Pansy, to her credit, muttered a 'sorry' sullenly and didn't take her head out of the cauldron till the class ended. Draco's eyes turned ice and Hermione turned to a very pale looking Snape. Though he regained composure soon enough and recited the whole list of partners. All Gryffindor-Slytherin pairs. Gryffindors were paired with Slytherin to attend the potions class only, but it was the first time they'd been made project partners, Gryffindor boys with Slytherin boys, and same with the girls. Attending together led to many clashes, Merlin only knew what being prject partner could result in.

When the bell rang at last, Snape held them back.
"You will each write an essay, to be handed in to me, on the allotted potion. I want two rolls of parchment on the subject, and I want them by Monday morning. You'll also brew the potion . It is time somebody took this class in hand. Ms. Parkinson, I'll see you at 3 for your detention."

"But sir, we have the Yule ball on Sunday." Daphne Greengrass said from the back of the class, followed by mutters of approval.

"Then I expect you to put an extra effort to finish it by Saturday, Ms Greengrass. Class dimissed." Snape drawled in his usual monotonous voice.

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