Library reconciliation

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Honestly, I should just make it a seperate book. What do you think?

He didn't care if she hexed or killed him.
Draco wanted to talk to Hermione.
He was actually considering not to, since the last time he'd, she'd looked regretful and the Weasel snapped at him.

He didn't even realized when he'd started liking her. It was just sympathy and regret for calling her things for her heritage. He didn't even realized how much smitten he was until the kiss, until he smelled her in Amortentia potion Snape had asked him to prepare, not giving two shits about the Tournament. Funny enough, he was paired with Hermione for this project and God knows what she smelled. Probably the smell of Weasel.

He very much wanted to kiss her, but for her, it maybe was in the moment thing. Maybe because she was trying to forget Weasel. Maybe it was the mistletoe.

Maybe the kiss itself was a mistake.

His thoughts were drifting back to the Brightest Witch of their age, as he strolled the corridors after dinner with Blaise and Pansy. Even playing Quidditch couldn't relieve him of his mental torment. He'd long given up on taunting Potter, Weasley, Longbottom or any student. He didn't want to talk to anyone. He was just so... exhausted. He didn't want to think about her right now.

Pansy and Blaise were arguing about who'd win the second task when Blaise bent down and picked a badge, "What in the Merlin this is...SPEW!"

Oh the gods must hate him. They hated him enough to torture him like this. The badge of society Hermione formed.

It happened too quickly.
One moment Blaise was studying the badge. Next moment he was being dragged as if by some invisible force, muttering a string of such curses that even Draco had to admire his colorful vocabulary.

Draco and Pansy ran behind the struggling Blaise without thinking. Blaise was dragged up the stairs, into the library. The librarian shouted after them to maintain decorum but didn't look past her book. Until Blaise paused near Longbottom and bought him face to face with Hermione.

The gods really hated him.


Kissing Draco was a bad idea. For a hundred reasons other than the fact that Hermione liked Ron.

Atleast that's what she thought.

Brewing Amortentia with Draco as a partner was a challenge in itself. He'd kept as much distance he could with reaching distance of the cauldron. She didn't knew if it was brewed correctly. She had smelt mowed grass, parchment and last smell she couldn't lay a finger on. It was mixed smell. She had asked Draco to smell to check if it was correct, he did and then blinked at her before answering that it was correct.

Hermione didn't try to think about how Draco had avoided her. Though it was her fault partly.
When he'd tried to talk to her the day after the Yule Ball, she'd said she didn't want to talk about it or with him.
And Draco Malfoy, the Slytherin Prince, the snooty, pompous, arrogant ferret actually listened.

He pretended she didn't even existed. He didn't send comments in her direction or even for Harry, Ron, Ginny or Neville.
Harry and Ron were anticipating some bigger plot by Malfoy. Harry was figuring him out more than the second task for Triwizarding Tournament. And if it was bothering the Gryffindors this much, one had no idea how astounded the Slytherins were .

Hermione was feeling weird. And lost. It was first time that she didn't understand what she was feeling. Or what should she do.
And whenever she felt lost, she went to the library, no matter that it was past dinner.

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