Chapter 11

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Me, Cole, and Fasha all decided that, we would all help Carmen. It was kinda an unspoken agreement. Like one minute it's just me, then the next, I have two people at my sides.

We told Hillary what we planned to do. I know what your thinking: Why in the HECK would you do that? Well to answer that, we trusted her. More then anyone will ever know. We knew she wouldn't tell anyone.

But it kinda disappointed me when she said she couldn't go. Oh no, I'm sorry. She said she wouldn't go. "I'm sorry, Ava. I can't and I won't. Don't think it's because I don't care, because I do. But I can't get in trouble. If anyone asks though, I'll say I don't know where you guys went."

Her response made me so angry, I stomped off, not saying another word to her. She's our caretaker, she's supposed to take care of us! "She has eighteen other teens to take care of." Fasha reminds me

I knew Fasha was right. But it still hurt.

"We need to take out the guards before we even attempt to escape." Cole says, as we make our plan at free hour. He was right, no matter how much I don't like the fact. If we tried right now, we'd get caught and get locked in our rooms for forever.

"Okay, so we'll leave around midnight. We will meet in the courtyard. Jack, my caretaker, has a sling-shot under his bed. I'll bring that to take out the guards. There are five of them. We'll figure out the rest tonight." Cole informs us. Me and Fasha nod and make our way to our room. Tonight our lives will change forever.


At exactly midnight, me and Fasha stand up off of our beds and change into something warmer. Hillary is awake and watching us with sad eyes. It kills me to leave her. I know what will happen to her if headquarters finds out she helped us. She'll loose her life.

"Please Hillary, come with us..." Fasha begs. Hillary gives her a small smile and shakes her head. "I'm sorry Fash, I just can't." She looks around at the sleeping girls, then looks back to Fasha. "I have responsibilities here."

A tear escapes Fasha's eyes, but she quickly regains her self control and wipes it away quickly. "Your right. Come on Ava let's go." Fasha says as she stomps out the door. With one last glance at Hillary, I follow her.

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