Chapter 13

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Sitting up, I take in our surroundings. We are surrounded by trees. Nothing but trees for miles. Huge Pines and Evergreens. "Maybe we should have brought some supplies." I state, thinking of the burning feeling in my dry, thirsty throat.

"Yeah Mr. I-know-everything-about-breaking-out-of-a-compound."  Fasha retorts to Cole bitterly. "Why didn't you think of that?"

Cole whips around to glare at her. "Well I'm sorry two particular girls kept rushing me to find a kid I don't even know."

Fasha's soft brown eyes seem to flare with anger. "I swear, if I didn't know how much you meant to Ava I'd snap your neck." Her eyes widen with realization at what she just said. Cole's eyes soften as he stares at her for half a second longer then turns to me.

"You...Y-you care"

I look down at my hands, feeling the burn of blush on my cheeks. Do I? I don't think so...

When I take a chance at glancing up, I find that his bright eyes are still starring back at me. I simply shrug, not letting any emotion cross my features.

He shakes his head, as if trying to clear his head. "Alright. So obviously first things first. Find water."

Fasha rolls her eyes and mumbles "okay Hillary."

If Cole heard then he chose to ignore it.

He walks up to the nearest tree and begins to climb like a monkey with Spider Man powers. I watch in awe as he goes from one branch to another effortlessly. Like he's been doing this his entire life.

Once he reaches about 50 feet from the ground, he stops and looks into the distance. After about a minute or so of being up there, he starts to make his way down. Once his feet hit the ground he tells us where everything is.

"Okay so, Stellar Compound is back behind us." He is interrupted by Fasha making a "hmph" sound and mumbling "nah dip sherlock." Only pausing to glare at her he continues. "There's about 45 miles between us and the nearest compound. Which by the way is Collins Compound. Everything between Stellar and Collins is forest. I can just barely make out Xhosa Compound. Which I think is another 45 miles. So we're gonna have a lot of walking to do."

Fasha makes an inpatient noise and says "yeah yeah. Where's the water?"

Cole rolls his eyes and replies "about 5 miles from where we are standing."

"Well then, what are we waiting for? Wasting precious daylight." She grabs my arm in an iron grip and propels me forward. Once we are farther from Cole so he can not hear us, she whispers in a low voice "I am so sorry. I don't know why I said that. I mean you just met the guy."

The look of panic on her face is priceless. I couldn't help myself from laughing. She frowns at me. "It's okay Fash, I know you didn't mean to."

Relief washes over her features. "Hey! No whispering! You got something to say you can say it out loud!" Cole calls from behind us.

Fasha rolls her eyes and says loudly "hey you know that guy behind us Ava? Well I think he's a total jerk!" Giggling I play along, "Yeah, totally!"

I say in an annoying popular girl voice.

"Haha very funny." He says sarcastically. Fasha raises her hands innocently. "Hey your the one who wanted us to say it out loud."

For the next couple of miles we don't say anything, mostly because we're too exhausted to utter a word. I can only imagine the next 40 miles of our trip. Even the thought of walking all that way makes my head pound.

We trudge our way along the under brush and vines. Only stopping for about thirty seconds to catch our breath, then Cole is ushering us on again, also earning a glare from Fasha. Oh man, if looks could kill Cole would have dropped dead ten times over.

"Are...W-we there...yet?" Fasha pants between gulps of air. Cole rolls his eyes, showing he is annoyed. "Fasha, look around do you see any water?"

"How much longer?"

"We'll get there soon enough." Cole says distantly. And I could swear I saw him glance over his shoulder.


Hi sexy bananas!

Okay so this chapter is a little longer but that's okay right? Oh man I just love Fasha! She reminds me of soooo many people!

So, I went to the lake this weekend and got burnt. So now my face hurts really, really REALLY bad.

And also, I probably won't be able to update three times a week like usual, being as I am on vacation. But I pinky promise I'll update at least once a week.

Anyways, vote and comment, I seriously love you guys!


<3 Bree

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