Chapter 14

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That was the only thing racing through my mind right now. I freaking need water! My tongue was dry and rough from the lack of moisture. And I was pretty sure my throat was about to burst into flames.

"Hey! There it is!" Fasha calls from in front of me. If I could have ran, I would have. But due to my dehydration, I could do nothing but walk over to where Fasha was taking big gulps from her hands.

I practically fell into the little pond. My pants quickly becoming soaked with the cool fresh water. I gulp the cold water down my throat. I hear a throaty chuckle from behind me.

I turn around, chin dripping wet from the water, to see Cole laughing at me and Fasha. "What are laughing at? And why aren't you thirsty?" Fasha growls.

"I am. But I've trained for these kinda things so I am just not as thirsty."

Fasha's eyes narrow at him, but she doesn't question it any farther. I watch as Cole lazily walks over to small pond and takes small sips from his hand. He looks up and catches me starring at him. His bright blue eyes locking with my green ones.

An embarrassed blush crept into my cheeks, causing Cole to laugh.

He stands and pulls three water containers from the black back-pack  he was wearing on his back. Fasha frowned as she took in the sight.

"Oh okay. So you bring water bottles with no water in them. How brilliant." She says, her voice thick with sarcasm.

Cole doesn't reply as he bends down to fill each container with water. After finishing, he stands and hands me and Fasha our container. I mumble my thanks, but Fash remains silent.

Cole stares at her expecting more, raising his eyebrows. "Don't I get a thank you Zelds?"

Her brown eyes turn to slits as she stares at him. " Thank you, so much Cole." She spits sarcastically. He grins triumphantly replying "you are very welcome Fasha."

Making a sound of disgust, she stomps ahead, earning a chuckle from Cole. "Do you like annoying her?" I question, biting back a laugh of my own. "Yes. Her reactions are funny."

I bite my lip debating on weather or not to ask my next question. But I decide against my better judgement to ask, even though I'm afraid of his answer.

"Do you like her?"

He abruptly stops walking and turns to me with a puzzled expression upon his face. "What? No-I-Why? Why would even think that? I literally just met her. Like 12 hours ago."

I look down at the ground, suddenly becoming very interested in the grass. "I don't know. You just seemed to like teasing her and..." I trailed off not being able to finish due to the pink tint in my cheeks.

When I glance up, he is starring intently at me and shaking his head.

"Hey! What's the hold up?" Fasha calls back to us impatiently.

"N-nothing. Coming Fash." I reply to her. Quickening my pace to catch up to her. Once I am beside her she leans down to whisper in my ear, "I think you caught his attention kiddo."


Hiya babes!

Okay so here's an early update simply because you guys are amazing! I love each and every one of you guys!

So I have a question. Does anybody know how to get pictures on their books? I tried and I just can't. I really want to show you guys the picture I found for the cast but I just cannot figure out for the life of me how.

Anyways, vote and comment. Thanks bunches!


<3 Bree

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