Chapter 17

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Next thing we know,  we come to a small clearing. "What is this?" Fasha asks looking around. Cole smiles a little. "The entrance to Collins Compound."

I look around, not really seeing a compound anywhere. "Where? The only thing I see are trees."

He looks over at me and winks. Then walks over to a clump of bushes and pulls them apart. In between the two bushes lays a small walkway that leads to a building. A building three times as big as Stellar Compound.

Collins Compound. A voice in my head whispers. Maybe it was an instinct that I knew. Or maybe it was the giant C one the front of the building.

"Well? Are you ladies coming or are you just gonna sit there like a sack of

lazy potatoes?" Coles calls back to us from halfway up the walkway.

Me and Fasha snap out of our trance and jog to catch up with him. "So...Uh. Do they just let you walk in?" Fasha asks.

"Well, kinda. You see, Collins Compound takes in fugitive Compoundies. They are technically not supposed to but they do. They also take a lot more transfers then they should, but hey. The founder has-or should I say had- a big heart. He died a few months ago. Now his son is running the place." Cole shrugs.

"Okay enough of Compound History. Let's go. I can't take these stupid trees any longer." Fasha huffs impatiently, stomping ahead of us. I sigh as I watch her. She is beautiful. Long dark brown curls that went just below her shoulders. Dark eyes, illuminating everything she looked at.

"How do you put up with her?" Cole asks in a low voice, when Fasha is out of hearing range. With a shrug I simply reply "I got used to her."

He chuckles.

As I stare up at the huge building, my breathing becomes uneven. Suddenly I can't seem to get enough air into my lungs. Panic attack. My sub conscience screams at me.

I've only had two other ones in the span of my lifetime. The first one was when I was 6 and I got separated from my sixth year caretaker. I can't even remember her name. The other one was when I was 15 and that was from rumors going around that they were going to transfer me. I know stupid. But I can't help it.

I already know the reason for the panic attack. It's being away from Stellar. Starring up at this huge building, makes me come to the conclusion that I won't ever be able to go back. I'll never see Hillary or any of the other girls again. And the thought terrifies me.

I drop to my knees gasping for breath, that my lungs seem to refuse to take. Cole turns to me, bright blue eyes burning with concern. "Ava? Fasha! What's wrong with her?" They both rush to my side. Cole pulls me into his lap, stroking my hair and trying to calm me.

"Panic attack." Fasha murmurs.

"What? How do we stop it?" Cole says, rocking me gently.

She doesn't respond, just starts to rub my back using soothing words. "Ava? Your okay. Your fine."

I try to nod, bit end up failing miserably. My breathing slowly starts to come back to normal. Taking deep breaths, I push myself off of Cole's chest. Both of them are starring at me in concern.

"I'm...I'm fine. See?" I say, trying to stand, but end up falling into Cole's waiting arms. "Oh yeah. Your fine alright." Cole says sarcastically, slipping an arm around my waist to steady me.

"We need to you help. Come on."

Without being able to reply, I'm drug along side of Cole to enter Collins Compound.


Hey Wattpadies!

I wasn't really sure what a panic attack was supposed to be so I gave it my best shot. Please no hate if I got it wrong:)

Anywhoo... Vote and comment. Seriously, you guys are the best


<3 Bree

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