Chapter 19

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We enter the temporary stay, and find a good amount of people. But really I don't notice any of them. Because I was too wrapped up in my own mind. He didn't still like her did he? No of course not. He said it was only...Lust. But the way he smiled at her and hugged her...

Wait! My sub conscience screamed at me. Why do you care? You don't like him.

I snapped out of my thoughts when Fasha yanked me down on one of two empty beds. Putting her stuff on one she joined me on my bed and wrapped her arms around me. I rested my head on her shoulder and had and odd urge to cry. But I just couldn't. I don't like him.

I pulled away and gave her a weak smile. "I'm fine."

She gave me cautious glance. "Are you sure? Cause I'm here to talk if you need me."

I take a deep breath and say, "yep. I'm fine."

She looks like she doesn't believe me but smiles anyway. She moves back to her own bed and crawls under the covers. "Goodnight Ava."

"Goodnight Fash."


I tried to sleep I really did. But every time I tried the image of Cole and Leila crawled it's way back into my mind. And the worst part is, I hated Leila a whole lot less then I wanted to. How can I hate her when she's helping me find my little Carmen? How can I hate her when she obviously makes Cole so happy? I can't. It's like trying to hate a puppy.

Minutes passed, then hours. Yet I stayed wide awake. Starring at the ceiling. The door creaked, but I didn't have to look to see who it was. Soft footsteps made their way over to my bed and two large hands were at my shoulder, shaking me gently. "Ava?"

When I didn't reply he sighed. "Ava I know your awake."

I rolled over so I could look at him. "What?"

"There's no other beds and I'm not sure Fasha would want me in hers..."

I glare at him. "What makes you think I do?"

No matter how much I wish I could take the words back, I know I can't. And I won't. The pain in my chest was much worse then the pain in his eyes. Yes so, maybe I was a little jealous. So what? It's not like I'll ever be anything to him.

"Your mad at me." He states.

"I'm not mad." I argue.

"Then your upset about something. Your upset with me and I know it. What did I do?" His blue eyes are practically pleading with me. "Nothing. Just come on." I scoot over so he can get in.

Hesitantly, he lays down beside me. His eyes never leaving mine. When he's laid down, I turned away from him, not liking the way his eyes were boring into mine.

He lets go of a deep breath, and puts a hand on my shoulder, softly shaking it. "Ava, please. Just talk to me. What's wrong? What did I do?"

I decide not to beat around the bush and just go for it. "You like Leila. Don't you?" I turn so I look at him. His intense blue eyes are filled with confusion and pain. "Don't you?" I demand. I know I'm acting like a b with an itch, but I can't take the tense silence.

He swallows before answering in slow words. "No, I don't. But I do..." He pauses, trying to find the right word. "Feel...Bad for her."

Now it's my turn to look confused. "Why?"

"Because the last time I was here, she told me she was in love with me. But I just couldn't say it back. She understood but I could tell she was heart broken. I just didn't want to make things awkward and hurt her more." The sincerity in his eyes caused a wave of guilt to flood through me.

"I'm sorry."

He smiles slightly and pushes hair away from my face. "Goodnight Ava."


Omg I am so for not updating sooner! I was super busy. Anyways...


Another chapter down! I don't know how many chapters left to be honest, but don't worry promise the ending will be good. At least as good as I can make it ;)

This chapter is dedicated to snolau2296. Because of her support throughout this book. She is good friend of mine in real life. Also read her book Infinity. Sierra if your reading this I LUH YOU!

Alright, so vote and comment loves. You know you want to. ;)


<3 Bree

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