Chapter 4

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His eyes travel the length of my body. Taking in every inch. Suddenly self conscience, I push a lock of dirty blonde hair behind my ear. His eyes meet mine and the breath escapes me. His eyes are a brilliant blue. Even more gorgeous then I thought. I feel my cheeks flush from embarrassment.

He smiles slightly at the color in my cheeks. "So, tell me. What's a girl like you doing here?"  I find myself at a loss for words. "I was- I was looking for someone's help." He raises one light brown eyebrow. "Isn't there someone at your own Compound that can help you?"

"Well...It's weird. There was no one in the halls this morning. So I decided to come here but then I..."

"Chickened out?" He finished for me. I nod slowly. "What's your name since you already know mine."

"Avalon. Avalon Lakes, but everyone calls me Ava."

He smiles again. "Well, Ava. Don't you think you should get going before Frank and Ricky get back?"

"Is Rickey the tall one?" I ask stupidly. Obviously he's the tall one.

"Yeah. He's also a total douche." He tilts his head when I make no move to walk away. "Are you waiting for an invitation?"

I shake my head and turn around to walk out the door, when his voice stops me. "Will you meet me tomorrow at midnight?" Slowly I turn back around to face him. "Sure. But if we get in trouble it is all on you. Tomorrow in the courtyard."

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