With a simple touch, a wrong move, or a mistake the porcelain can crack and shatter.
There'll be no rest in peace but in pieces. You'll feel every bit hitting the cold clinker floor.
Let's hope that you fall asleep before you fall apart,
'Cause the thing about Porcelain is that it's hard to break it without cutting yourself.'
Rebekah Jennings is more Daring than Darling.
In a world where everything is more exposed than not, staying hidden is an interesting path of a challenge. So do you even try?
What will happen when her world falls apart for a second time?
Though maybe it won't, 'cause was it ever really healed after the first phase?
I can practically hear your sigh
Now's the part where everyone's all excited about reading my book (or probably just bored as hell) that they forget to read this highly important Copyright ich thingy. And I'm one of those persons, so I'm not gonna force you to read this with a knife to your throat 'cause God knows how many assassins shit you've read like a manual to kick someone's ass with, but if you want to see what might happen if you copy my work or if you're gonna do just that then please read on.
This book is protected by the U.S government *cough*even though they're not aware of it and I'm a Swede*cough* and the International copyright laws
... + Totally Spies, Kim Possible, and Spiderman.
Reproduction and distribution of this work without written permission is prohibited and will be punished by Sebastian King and his Queen Evelyn Summers (shout out to Something_Hopeless) and Moi... Though I'll probably just sit and eat in a corner and watch. But moral support is just as essential, remember that kids!
This is apparently important→ ©
Oh btw! I'm studying law, you noticed that huh?
Now please proceed to read.
ActionWith a simple touch, a wrong move, or a mistake the porcelain can crack and shatter. There'll be no rest in peace but in pieces. You'll feel every bit hitting the cold clinker floor. Let's hope that you fall asleep before you fall apart, 'Cause the...