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(btw this is literally is free ship chapter. George and Dylan being cute. this does serve a part to the story so its basically a free one shot~ enjoy 'w')

"ARON WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!!?" Jordan shouted. Him and the boys were looking around town because Aron had disappeared and they had to practice. they had 2 months till auditions and they were nowhere near ready. Dylan sighed as he waited in the car. this wasn't helping his cold and at this rate they'd never be able to get pass the auditions. George looked at Dylan and then at the boys. "I'm gonna stay with Dyl ok?" Jorel nodded and went off to find his friend. "yeah yeah just try not to fuck while were gone George" Jordan said smirking. George blushed slightly. "SHUT UP! j-just find Aron..." Matt rolled his eyes and walked off Jordan following like a lost puppy again. 

George opened the passenger door and got in surprising  Dylan. "why aren't you looking for Aron with the others?" George looked down. "just wanted to make sure you weren't lonely..." Dylan went red and buried his head in his jacket making George laugh. "don't you want me to stay?" Dylan looked up and shook his head. "s-stay..." George smiled and reached into the back seat grabbing his jacket. "here put this on your shaking." Dylan blushed and took the jacket. "t-thanks" George smiled and quickly checked his phone. "oh they found Aron... He's passed out in an alley way.. drunk again...." George sighed and looked at Dylan. "dyl? aww" George smiled and tried not to squeal, Dylan had fallen asleep holding the jacket. 

George quickly put Dylan on in the backseat and got in the drivers. he texted Jorel and asked him where they where. after about five minutes he got a reply. "how'd he end up there?!" George said. he put his phone down and drove off.

----------SMALL TIME SKIP~~~~~~~

George got to the alleyway and parked, turning to face Dylan. "so cute...." George lent over the seat and kissed  Dylan's cheek before getting out the car. "why did i do that?" he muttered.. he walked to the alley way and froze when he heard Jorels voice. 


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