Dont call me that!

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"Uhm Jorel.... Can we go to that hotel on the street across from Jordan's house?" Danny asked running up to his boyfriend. Jorel stopped and stared. "why? we need to go back to Dylan's tonight to go over the songs" Danny smirked slightly and moved a little closer. "well, I asked the boys if we could have some time to ourselves tonight~" Jorel blushed before wrapping his arm around Danny's waist. "ok then. is that why you took my phone?" Danny nodded and started singing a song. "what you singing?" Danny Looked away. "uhm you know that boy in school Adam lambert? I got his song voodoo stuck in my head" 

Jorel nodded and grabbed Danny's hand and began walking towards the hotel mentally thanking the boys for this moment.


"I wonder how Danny and Jorel are doing~" Dylan said nudging Matt.  Matt checked his phone and opened his messages up. "got a message from Jorel and its a load of excited Emojis.. I think they are gonna do it.." matt said. Jordan looked up. "so they are gonna fuck then?" Matt nodded and layed on Dylan's sofa. "wanna finish writing the lyrics to that song?" Jordan picked the paper back up and went through it. "we need to actually start on the music itself not just the lyrics." George said getting up.

"No we dont!." Dylan said smiling. he put his phone down and jumped up running to his bedroom. "what the?" George looked at matt who shrugged. "maybe he wants you George~" Jordan said smirking. "no... Dylan said he doesn't want to do it until he's ready." Matt looked at Jordan and they both started laughing. "Dylan wants to wait? what the hell?!" George growled. "so what if you guys had sex the moment you said you loved each other its not a race" "technically George it wasn't sex" George froze. "you gave each other blowjobs?!" Jordan and matt nodded just as Dylan came running down with beer.  "my secret stash! " 

Matt looked at the bottles and picked up some vodka. "wont your parents be coming home soon?" Dylan shook his head. "they're going to my aunts for a few days so im home alone so party time!" He went to grab some snacks and came back in. "now time to teach the neighbours what real music is" he handed some beer to George and quickly picked his phone up. "shall we invite some more people?" 

"lets invite everyone in the battle but arons band" Dylan smirked. "well his parents live a few doors down so he should notice all the commotion!"


Aron sighed as he got up. him and the rest of 9lives were so bored. "well we could think of some new lyrics" Vardan said looking at jimmy. "wait what's going on out there?"  Arina said pointing out of the window. Aron walked over to his sister and looked out. he opened the window and shouted. "what's going on?!" The lead singer off Simple plan looked at Aron and smiled. "There's a big party going on at Dylan's! weren't you invited?!" 

Aron growled and ran out of his bedroom. he ran into the street and started running to Dylan's house. on the way he bumped into Tommy Ratliff. "Watch were your going!" Aron glared. "shut up gay boy" he ran to Dylan's and opened the door nearly pulling it off its hinges. "what the fuck are you doing Alvarez?" He walked over and grabbed Dylan's shirt. "h-having a party..." Dylan whimpered. Everyone who was in Dylan's house turned. "what are you doing to Dylan?!" George said running into the living room. Aron growled and kicked George out of the way. "Shut up!" 

Multiple bands or singers from the school walked closer. the students not taking part in the battle backing up. "Aron... Let Dylan go" Adam said walking closer. "oh look if it isn't one of schools gay boys!" Aron said smirking. Adam sighed. "yeah im gay. so what? dont like it? Then fuck off. if Im not mistaken Dylan never sent you a message to say you could come over" Dylan nodded and gasped when Aron dropped him.

George picked Dylan up and hugged him. "you ok dyl?" Matt asked. Dylan nodded and the boys watched Aron walk over to Adam. "who gives you the right to talk to me?" Adam sighed standing next to tommy. "I dont know what's wrong ith him... he's fucking insane." Aron rolled his eyes when a hand grabbed the back of his jacket. The lead singer off falling in reverse,  Ronnie smiled and turned Aron around before punching him.

"dont hurt Dylan... Or we'll hurt you just as bad." Ronnie said "I dont know why I was friends with you Aron.." A voice said from the crowd. Everyone looked towards the front door, thinking that's were the person was "who said that?" Aron asked. The lead singer of 6 white lies pointed towards the window. "he did. found him outside the school. he was very pissed and I mean angry not drunk" Everyone turned and Aron gasped. "j-jeff?!" Jeff walked forward and punched Aron. "YOU DONT FUCKING HURT PEOPLE BECUADE THEY'RE GAY!" Aron looked away before storming out. Jeff sighed and looked at Dylan. 

"well that was a bummer..."

"Oh who cares?! lets party!" 

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