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Aron looked at George. "ya really gonna punch your own band mate? that's just calling for foul play~" George growled and went to punch Aron. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Aron grabbed Dylan and pulled a pocket knife on him. "ARON?!!? WHERE DID YOU GET THAT?!" Aron dug the knife into Dylan's neck. "it fell out some girls bag.... But its mine now and I will use it." Jordan looked at George, before looking at Aron. "Aron what the heck is wrong with you? you've just changed ever since this battle started!" Aron shrugged. "maybe we all change! and I cant be seen around a bunch of gay asses! my reputation will fall" 

"ARON YOU ARE A FUCKING DICK" A voice said. all the boys turned around to see Jeff with a boy. "Jeff when did you get here and whose that?" Jeff walked over and grabbed the knife passing it to the boy. pushing Aron over slightly. "I got here when I heard George. and this is the older brother of the girl who owns the knife. he walked past when I opened the door and spotted the knife." the boy thanked Jeff and left quickly.  Aron let go of Dylan and growled. "I hate you so much Jeff" Aron moved a little closer and Jeff sighed. "Aron stop trying to be tough its not going to get you anywhere" 

Jordan stood behind Aron with the others and crossed his arms. "Aron we're going to give you one last chance. we can be Hollywood undead again and win the Battle or we can just kick you out of the band and find someone else. your choice." Aron looked at Jordan. "you pussies wouldn't survive with out me so im staying." Jordan nodded "fine. look tomorrow is the Auditions so weve got a small amount of time to practice" Jeff walked in and sat down watching his mates. well all of them but Aron.

"how are we going to practice? weve got lessons" Matt said "oh and Dylan is your neck ok?" Dylan nodded and smiled. "I managed to ask the head to give us all day to practice! cause we've had some problems" Dylan glared and Aron before grabbing his mic. "well since Jeff's here why don't we just do scene for dummies? weve got three hours to practice." Jeff smiled and grabbed one of the spare mics. "well couldn't we spend half an hour scooping out the competition?" 


(im going to update this book a lot because I have school tomorrow and no doubt ill have lots of homework so I wont be able to update.. depends tho.... *cries*)

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